Thanks for sharing. I too am interested in finding a way to remove this integration (also looking to minimize OS damage). I checked with Process Hacker, and yes same results as listed above.
I mean, if your game is running fine now without Microstutters, stutters etc. Why bother? Don't get me wrong, GameDVR, gamemode, and whatever MS added to Win 10 is pure crap, but just unchecking all the options in Settings (creators update) and disabling 'Windows Game Recording and Broadcasting' in group policy (again, creators update) is more then enough to have a pleasent gaming experience.
YEY! I know how to prevent game detection without causing much damage to the OS! The Parent and Children registry directories are populated WHEN/AS you launch games found in KnownGameList.bin file. All you have to do is: 1. Use Unlocker to rename (or delete, but I always rename) KnownGameList.bin file FIRST in "Windows\bcastdvr" directory and ONLY THEN in "User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GameDVR" directory. If you do it the other way around and restart after removing or renaming the KnownGameList.bin file in User directory, then it will just re-copy the one in "bcastdvr" directory. This probably will make SFC ScanNow fail since both files are not there. That is why I rename - I can rename them back to make sure SFC ScanNow error (it one happens) isn't caused by my manual file-name manipulation. 2. Delete ALL entries under Parent and Children - one by one, but I did not delete the actual Parent and Children keys Now GameBarPresenceWriter.exe no longer shows up when I launch ANY game I own!!! - SPREAD THE WORD
You butcher your system, and you worried about SFC ScanNow? that command is overrated even on clean system
I just find that once you step over that line, the OS slowly begins to fall apart. It also gives you some safety knowing that if you messed up, there is still a chance to fix the problem without re-installing the OS and re-customizing it, which takes 1-2 days for me!
I admire your determination to make "Creators update" bend to your will, I have tried and tried and given up - sticking to my beloved customized LTSB, no headaches, no caveats and no OS butchering. When I went the same path as you to totally strip the system using MSMG and scripts, it had too many noticeable glitches and some BSOD's. And yes the OS does fall apart when everything is removed/disabled.
Good job, MonarchX. You should consider refining the process after more testing and making a script with checks for the correct files and registry entries that will make the necessary changes with an undo option to put everything back the way it was originally in case of problems, then put it in the MDL projects section. Maybe call it GameMode Killer or something like that. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. Keep up the good work.
Hey i double checked, and these strings were not in GPedit (checked under all settings), or in regedit(both 64 and wow64). Did you manually add them? Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\GameDVR] "AllowGameDVR"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore] "GameDVR_Enabled"=dword:00000000 "GameDVR_FSEBehavior"=dword:00000002 "GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameDVR] "AppCaptureEnabled"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\GameBar] "AllowAutoGameMode"=dword:00000000
Why does everyone want to have an overlay nowadays? I just want to play the game. Even GOG Galaxy has fallen to that crap (although easily disabled). Screw your community experience. Disturbing that MS goes all out with this xbox nonsense.
I hate to be that guy, but have you guys tried looking in gpedit.msc and see if there's a single reg key to disable these things?
Edit Correction: Ok i have found a way to disable all but the Windows.Gaming.Input.dll and prevent the extra dlls threads from hooking into DWM.exe and explorer.exe. You can suspend and or terminate Windows.Gaming.Input.dll in DWM.exe, but it you rename it to say Windows.Gaming.Input.dll.old yeah the system will flash with a white screen on and off again at the windows login screen. You do have a course that you can move around though. Update #2 Ok after renaming just Windows.Gaming.Input.dll.old back to Windows.Gaming.Input.dll to revert the system start up hang, i am now now seeing this thread being hooked to DWM.exe any more when ruining games. This ended up not working out as thought. Will detail all the changes i've made to see if others can reproduce the same results.
So taking ownership of the Windows.Gaming.Input.dll is supposed to prevent it from starting up? That did not work for me...
No sadly i was mistaken, i forgot to run process hacker as admin, so it was not showing Windows.Gaming.Input.dll because of that. After retesting, under admin it is showing in dwm.exe process thread. So back to square one.