Did you read the official UUP dump thread? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...11-uups-with-ease.75052/page-243#post-1781105
Short answer download the zip, unpack it and click on the batch. It will even open the browser for you.
Read the info provided by @Paul Mercer in that post. And ask questions in there, best chance to get proper answers.
Thanks. Yes, it opens the browser and seems to allow offline build searching. But what about next? How do I get out of build 25393?
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...11-uups-with-ease.75052/page-243#post-1781105 Atm UUP dump website is working fine.
You periodically run the "uupdump-get-fileinfo+packs.cmd" script, this will fetch all info about the new builds. They will then appear in the browser website. Only important difference from the uupdump.net site: Leave the local server running un til you have the final ISO in your hands. The downloader scripts still needs to get info from it (aria2 scripts).
Yeah... I being slow. Thanks. It works fine. But again, isn't there yet a way to install 259xx over build 25393? Or build 25398 over build 25393? A way to smack a Pro sku into build 25398... I can't downgrade build 25398 to 235xx obviously... unless there is a trick...
And I just got nagged by a blueish dialog saying the build I'm running is about to expire. Meanwhile this... I thought to myself that I should screw this and install Windows 11 22631 temporarily dual-booted with build 25393 and move things from 25393 to 22631... just the hassle of setting up firefox, git settings, and some other things. Compiling 25941 ATM to check it out to see if it boots using a VM and a real machine.
For the record I did a bit of experiments, and I almost booted a 29xxx in my old Turion. Clearly is just winload.exe that blocks the loading, but replacing it is not enough, because it drags a string of drivers it checks, like ndid.sys, tcpip.sys and so on. Because the wrong version. Whatever... it means that, using a properly patched winload, 29xx builds can be bootted w/o further problems. That said I'm not going further in this thing. First because I couldn't care less of W11, second because I have many skills, but low level patching is not among them.
No it doesn't. Servers just skip the usual requirements (since the day one), not this winload.exe block
Yes, it's probably a winload.exe or something that blocks old cpus. I built the 25941 iso and booted it with virtualbox, same hang after loading boot.wim even changing the cpu profile to 6700k. My target is not the server but the professional sku. I wonder there is a way to convince setup.exe that installed version is for example 22621 or less than 235xx... so I can install 235xx...
It' not "probably", i just wrote that I tested it VBox is a virtualizator, which means that most of the CPU is passed as is., you need QEMU that can emulate any CPU (including non x86 ones) to boot (slowly) using an emulated CPU. Also may be worth to play with the usual compatibility masks in VMware, used to fool MacOS on AMD (and newer Intel) CPUs It's a not relevant detail since with my SKUWitch you can change the SKU as you like, in few seconds and one reboot. Maybe playing with UpgradeMatrix.xml caan do the job, but if you can't boot you can't in place upgrade (end downgrade) anyway, Since vista. Like I said installing a freh installation in parallel importing the old profiles and copying the programs back in place is surely a more effective way to have your old setup working.