Booting from CD gives the same results. From a video that I watched, after you select Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset, you should get another screen that lists the operating systems that DaRT finds. In my case, this screen is missing. I assume because DaRT erroneously did not find any operating systems and does no show the selection to chose an OS fro repair. That is why some tools have no active links for launching and are commented with "Tool requires an offline supported OS". I have a multi-boot setup (using BootitNG) where drive1 has XP and Vista and drive2 has Win7 and Win8. All are bootable. I don't understand why DaRT has a problem finding them. Anyone else seeing this or does the Recovery Tools screen for OS selection appear for you?
Hi the 2013 version is available Microsoft makes available 2013 release of Desktop Optimization Pack h t t p ://w w Can someone please upload it Thanks
h t t p :// w w w h t t p ://w w w h t t p :// h t t p: // Can someone please upload in small pieces? Thanks
I guess the SP1 seems worth it! There's a full scene release named "Microsoft.Desktop.Optimization.Pack.for.Software.Assurance.2013.ISO-TBE":crystal: Just Google it!