Installing DART on Target Local Machine Recovery Partiton Murphy78 I have successfully made various versions of the Dart tools Recovery discs. I am wondering if you know a straightforward way to install the DART recovery environment to a recovery partition on the local machine that can be booted from. The documentation at Microsoft sucks. Im looking to do it manually using ImageX or DISM if its possible. I want a get out of the habit of lugging around multiple thumb drives and Cds for the various versions. Or maybe you know another forum/thread that this has been covered in ? Any help would be appreciated.
DaRT 8.1 boot.wim direct copy folders Yes... apparently the culprit is the missing fmapi.dll There is an additional package that dart8.x adds that wasn't needed by dart7... So here are revised en-US direct copy folders for DaRT8.1 to integrate into boot.wim setup: *EDIT: See new post for updated version with debug tools Usage: mount boot.wim 2nd index (bootable flagged one) of your setup image copy/paste the contents of the appropriate folder (x86 for x86 boot.wim) unmount and commit the boot.wim re-export the boot.wim to reduce the size. For winre.wim it's same as boot.wim except it only has index:1 Edit: V3'd it to fix winre winpeshl.ini bug where it pointed to wrong recenv location. Also added separate folders for winpe versions so people wouldn't get confused. V2'd it to fix networking bug Added wpeinit calls to both winpecfg.ini files. Added a directory for the winre.wim version of winpecfg.ini that you can copy over for the winre.wim
You can use 7Zip to add these files to the wim as well... much simpler than the dism rigamarole. Murphy, you might want to edit your old post so people don't download the old archive.
"Windows 8.1 AIO S14 x64 en-US DaRT 8.1 Pre-Activated Mar2014" - does that include both - Windows and DaRT? Meaning, can you use this ISO to install Windows 8.1 17031 as you would normally and then use the same ISO in case you need to repair your Windows installation? Its kind of like Safe Mode for other Windows versions, isn't it?
Yes, but as discussed; it does not have the disk commander or file recovery options because of the missing fmapi.dll Honestly if I knew it was because of the missing file, I would have fixed it long ago. I just assumed it was a missing Windows feature... You know what they say about assumptions though...
So there might be a slight chance for this minor issue to be corrected? I'm using the non-preactivated ESD variant AIO.
Hello, hxxp:// copy: fmapi.dll, to Yours installation, from the above (Windows\System32\fmapi.dll). Greetings.
Hi, I added boot files (x64) to boot.wim Index 2 with 7Zip. What I must do after that ? I make a new install with my Win 8.1 Pro and I do not see Dart 8.1 and can't use F8 at boot Any help ? Thanks
you can't do that with 7zip you must mount your boot.wim index 2 with dism then copy the files after that unmount it with commit command see here code : Code: dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\win7dvd\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\mount xcopy c:\MSDaRT70-boot-x64\* c:\mount\ /cherkyi dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit imagex /compress maximum /export c:\win7dvd\sources\boot.wim * %TEMP%\boot.wim move /y %TEMP%\boot.wim c:\win7dvd\sources\
winre options are not available until you actually enter the winre. first you logout to the recovery menu (shutdown /r /o /t 0) Then you select the advanced options and boot menu thing Then when you reboot and it shows the menu, you press f10 and use that recovery option. When it finally boots up you will actually be in windows recovery environment. Only then will you see the winre dart option if you added it correctly.
Hi, I use you instruction to enter in recovry menu but I not see dart option. I use this file : MSDaRT8.1_FR_Boot_x64 from Apologized (Thanks) and put it to C and do this : dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\win8dvd\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\mount xcopy c:\MSDaRT8.1_FR_Boot_x64\* c:\mount\ /cherkyi dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit imagex /compress maximum /export c:\win8dvd\sources\boot.wim * %TEMP%\boot.wim move /y %TEMP%\boot.wim c:\win8dvd\sources\ Maybe I miss something It's necessary to do the same with MSDaRT8.1_FR_WinRE_x64 ? Thanks