"De-Americanizing the World" a must, says Chomsky...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by gorski, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    With the exception of redroad's people, we are -ALL- immigrants in the USA.


    For better or for worse, Immigrants have made this country what it is. Immigrants who came here and became American Citizens.

    So, if you don't like the way the USA turned out, you can blame it on yourselves (meaning the entire world) for bringing your cultural, artistic, and financial influences to this land. If you hadn't come, the country would be vastly different than it is today.

    For one thing, the native American lifestyle would have been everywhere. The natives would have had no reason to lose faith in the ways of the elders. But the Immigrants came here and all but destroyed them, taking everything that they own and breaking their spirits with the terrible atrocities the Immigrants committed against them.

    Yeah it may sound over-simplified, but that's the way I see it.

    So, Sanity check. :rolleyes:

    When you say "De-Americanizing" the world, what exactly do you mean?
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  2. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    There is nothing oversimplified, what you write, is just the facts. When I earlier wrote about the reason for the price the american native peoples have had to pay: the kind of people left Europe for a place where guns and not laws ruled, I was insulted.... Now Europe suffers through a period of the same, but of course on a very minute scale...

    But this one here started because someone mentioned a rape/ probable murder case in Freiburg/Germany. The police have now arrested a 17year old Afghan, they have a video, found his bicycle there and have his DNA from the crimescene.
    There are two sides to this, and one connects this indeed to the US. This boy would not have left Afghanistan with the people of America electing a moron like Georg W and his criminal war against a country that had done nothiong to he US. So, the girl would still be alive without the US.... that is a simple fact, like it or not.

    But.... the second thing to keep in mind is that only two weeks after this deed, there has been another rape/murder, this time a little to the north of Freiburg. No one has been arrested yet. And this is not all...

    · At the end of September, a 13-year-old girl of minor adolescents is abused. Two of the three suspects have a migration background.
    · Mid-October, a man from the homeless milieu of two non-Germans is beaten so hard that he succumbed shortly afterwards to his injuries.
    · At the end of October, two women near the main station are sexually harassed and rescue themselves into a police station. The suspects are from the Gambia.
    · At the beginning of November an Afghan hurt another one with a knife.
    · In the middle of November, a Georgian man kills his nephew with a knife.

    Freiburg had been an extremly peaceful town, the Green capital of Germany. A girlfriend of mine lives there with three teenage daughters, let me just say, she is not too happy about all of this, living 8km away from the second murder.

    It is the flood of refugees that has invaded the country, and not just a few dozen Afghanies that left their home because of the usual criminal US politics. And... as the german governments, which have been elected by no one but the german people, have always blindly supported any US crime (other the Iraq war), the germans now have to live the results of their actions.
    The crime statistics concerning refugees, which official germany prefers to hide, tell an unmistakable story.
  3. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    Just a polite reminder that the forums are and always have been religiously, racially and politically impartial. While we certainly don't advocate censorship, any infringement of these standards will not be accepted. Feel free to be open and discuss in an intelligent way but be mindful and respectful of others at the same time.

    On occasion these discussions seem to be treading a thin line.
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  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #124 gorski, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
    Michaela, this is quite easy to understand, if you read Chomsky. He is not much on jargon and alike... And you do know what he means, he is not a million miles apart from Bernie etc. in terms of what is needed in the USofA today...

    A small correction: Amer-Indians have not been in the US 'forever'. They too have immigrated at some point and it seems they have kinda/almost literally pushed the natives into the sea (off of south Argentina)... as I have already written here about that story, utterly uncomfortable for the myths of Amer-Indians, of course, but truth be told - we really are immigrants, just about everywhere.

    And the loudest amongst those complaining about immigrants usually are the offspring of those who have emigrated world-wide (usually committing genocides in the process) and they still do "emigrate", in large numbers to this day. That's kinda "natural", so they are called "ex-pats" and everybody else is called an "immigrant/migrant" and whatnot...:rolleyes: Convenient...:rolleyes:

    Thommy, that kind of "thinking" started the last war in former YU...:rolleyes: (Jeeeezzzuuusss!!!! He is allegedly a philosopher.... Aaarrgghhh, gimme a break!!!:rolleyes:)

    Alex, we do not need baby-sitters here, thanx. We are adults and we know how to give and take, cheers.:cool:
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  5. alextheg

    alextheg MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2009
    No babysitting here. Only moderation and a polite reminder of the forum rules as I mentioned previously. I had to remove a somewhat unsuitable video that was posted, hence my previous post.
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  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Gorski: But we have this. :thumbsup:


    With that said, we're all here in the USA looking for a better life. Europe, however never bargained for what is happening at this time.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #127 gorski, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
    Alex, I did not see the video, it seems, I can't remember it...

    Michaela: [ululating wildly here :D ] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...erm=202771&subid=20906735&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 - let's hope it's permanent!!!! :) :) :) Now, that, to me, is de-americanising America (and thereby the world) in Chomsky's sense... I may be wrong but that is how it seems to me... ;)

    EDIT: THANK YOU, MICHAELA, for the post... ;) Now, I am missing the "thanx" button... :D
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  8. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    YES! YES! YES!


    Thank you gorski for the wonderful news. :hug2:
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  9. ltc27613

    ltc27613 MDL Novice

    Feb 14, 2010
    I am a naturalized boat people refugee from Nam. It's been painful to see my adopted country steadily declining the past 30 years which I think because we've strayed from the founding principals. It's sad to see so many Americans don't know how good and blessed they have it. We Americans are all immigrants, including Native Americans. We don't have better genes than the people from which we cam. Then what had enabled these bunch of immigrants to build the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth in a couple of hundred years??? I've had friends who were also refugees settled in Europe and Australia came to visit and they couldn't believe how good we have it here.
  10. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    WOW the censorship is strong here. So what's the go with removing informative video's I'm posting about the absolute disaster facing Germany because of Middle Eastern immigration? Let me guess ...doesn't fit the narrative?

    Okay, just to let all the Marxist comrades here know, its going to be quite difficult to ignore the growing world movement against everything this thread stands for isn't it? I mean nationalism instead of Globalist Marxism is on the rise in many parts of the world, and most importantly, now that America has flatly rejected the corrupt Clinton's, and fairly elected Donald Trump, don;t you think this unrealistic bubble of De-Americanizing the world is failing epically?

    I mean sure, right now you probably can't or won't see it, just like you couldn't or wouldn't see that Trump was going to win the election, but its not to say it isn't going to happen ...

    Communism, Socialism, Marxism or whatever new name you try to hide your ideology behind, its being exposed and rejected for the failure it is. Hate to break it to you, but America is on the rise. Big-league!

    So what happens from here on in? I post, you cry, you delete because you want to live in a bubble where America fails, Middle Eastern immigration is a success and social Marxism turns into the utopia you've always dreamed of?

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's NEVER going to happen. Well not in the real world ...
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, "censorship", on this occasion, I am sure, simply sent garbage where it belongs...:rolleyes:

    America's system is bent - HC had more votes but lost. Hardly "Democracy" in action...

    As for wanting more "nationalism" and "Capitalism - beware what you wish for!!!!!!!!!!

    Other than thta, you seem to be... errrmmm... ideologically and IQ "challenged"... :rolleyes:
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  12. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Yeah that was a disgusting video filled with hate, from a person who was not even German :dunno: :eek:
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Did you notice that such racist. bigoted nasty characters usually deem themselves to be "Christians" - in spite of not having a clue about "Love", only running high on hate and destruction...
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  14. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    IMHO, it's not fair to condemn an entire spiritual belief system because of the actions of a few disillusioned fools.
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  16. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    You too are a bigot. I don't understand how creating a scenario of hates and violence bring about peace. What I read from those links speak of demented and possibly hateful people who want the world to go to war. This silly call for retaliation is becoming a popular thing online, most especially, among people from the West - those who claim to be civilized. This is a big shame on them if the West can't find a peaceful solutions to the world problems.
  17. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Hadron: People who do things like that are mentally ill. Sad to say, they're also very ignorant.
    The ignorant are easily misled, and are easily manipulated by those with an agenda.

    @gorski: Actually, no. I did notice that they call themselves 'Muslims' though.

    It needs to be made clear: Those who are of true faith in -any- spiritual belief system despise what fundamentalists do.

    "Thou shalt not kill".
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What I mean, Michaela, in this context, is that when it comes to "our" side, the right wing, hateful, nasty, aggressive, dominance seeking, superiority complex ridden, dark "Right" usually aligns itself with the alleged (fundamentalist) "Christian" faith (Oklahoma bombing comes to mind, immediately, when it comes to "our" side)... Look at the abortion issue, death penalty and so on. "Thou shalt not kill" usually marries anti-abortion stance with hanging, lethal injection, "shoot them in the streets" (vigilante or at least drones enhanced assassinations, state sponsored in the latter case) etc. stance. Indeed, "Love thy neighbour" becomes "Exterminate thy neighbour" in such safe hands - in a heartbeat!!!

    And it doesn't really matter if one is a fundamentalist Christian, Jew, Arab or even Japanese Buddhist... "Where there's a will, there is a way" (to go to war for a dogma)!!!

    Mind-blowing artists on the dialectical trapeze...:rolleyes:

    Now, coincidentia oppositorum is at play, of course, on all sides, so the fundamentalists on all sides think in the same vain, regardless of the 'sign' in front of their name, it is the same mental framework, short circuited brain paths, where everything is connected to everything by a deadly short-cut, without any careful consideration, where one stomps on any laws of logic, in order to justify and sometimes even rationalise one's deadly "logic", i.e. to make "safe" their extremely aggressive and arrogant usage of ideology, sometimes a heavy-duty dogma!

    The main issue here is: how do we counteract such a simplistic but obviously (for way too many people) effective little "theory", which frequently has deep roots in quite a chunk of population anywhere on Earth? Its simple message (where one "explains" everything with 2-3-4 principles) is much more universal since less demanding and hence allows many to be quickly promoted to "experts" without much effort. It also unifies easily, so it is used to stabilise societies, make them more coherent, so many who seek solace in "safety in numbers" are more than pliable to get under its wing (see Adorno and co.'s "Authoritarian Personality" studies).

    And if and when they are defeated, then they are claiming innocence, how they have been lied to, in order to be mislead, how they "believed" and now "they don't believe in anything any more", so nihilism opens the doors for another extreme type of behaviour, since it is easier and it requires no conscious, reflective, serious effort...

    We're doomed!:(

    Unless, of course, we widen and deepen Humanist education efforts and enshrine the right to high quality free education to all, in order to foster free thinking, critically minded, upright citizenry. Such citizens, critically minded, will be able to break the chains of collective consciousness and when they gather together it will be done on freely chosen, rational and seriously critically examined grounds (an effort which never stops!), rather than those of uncritical, "built-in" kind, so to speak, such as religion, ethnos (Blood and Soil) and so on.

    It will last a long time to get this effort to become effective but - what is the alternative?!?
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  19. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    You are not only a bigot, I repeat: you are IQ challenged!
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