Debian now defaults with systemd

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Skaendo, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    In the latest years linux is being more and mode useable, for some people that use computer at home, mostly for browsing web, mail and chat, linux can serve then better than windows.

    About games, steam and wine can run lots of games, depending of your hardware

    I use to recycle old computers to give away to people that can afford one, with a great success installing linux on it.

    Back to topic I'm lucky enough to not have systemd installed yet, but complainings about performance are everywhere.

    Systemd is a kind of "one ring to rule then all", and it seems a big problem to me.

    Instead of simple scripts to manage everything, whith systemd we will have lots of services.

    It will make things simple to manage or easier to fix when some problem appear?

    I don't think so.
  2. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    #22 pirithous, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    systemd is actually quite good, and replaced the age-old and extremely broken System V init daemon. If it were so awful, it wouldn't have been unanimously adopted by almost all the major Linux distros. It can run scripts that previously ran on System V, so there's no problem there. systemd isn't perfect as the binary log file idea probably isn't the best, but I've never had any issues with systemd of any sort. To throw the baby out with the bathwater, meaning that labeling systemd as an awful piece of malware is just completely stupid and shows the level of immaturity and lack of knowlege that exists on mailing lists and forums.

    There is no conspiracy surrounding systemd, and a myriad of anti-systemd comments are coming from people who don't understand the technical portions of the code and are instead setting out to write political rants about something they see as black or white, i.e., "it's either great or terrible". The reason it may seem why there are so many anti-systemd comments is because the people who are unhappy with it are the ones who are making all the noise, and a lot of these same people would cry if they were served a gormet meal at an expensive restaurant -- then they would go online and write a bad review because of their tiny penis. The people who have no issue with it are continuing on with their computing life and have no reason to go on forums to write anything about it. There are lengthy and heated debates/flame wars on practically every single Linux mailing list and forum over systemd, yet it still managed to be chosen as the init daemon for just about all the major Linux distros. Also, expect more to adopt it as time goes forward.

    The fact that Gnome depends on systemd is the Gnome developers' choice, and only theirs. I see no problem with people writing their code how they want, as FOSS isn't a democracy. It's freedom of expression; those who do the work get to call the shots. However, if I were in charge of Gnome I would not have it depend on systemd. But guess what? I didn't write the code and respect others' choices. And that's where we stand with systemd. Someone did the work, so they get a level of control over certain things and this creates problems for people who feel as if control has been taken away from them. They then set out on the internet, on a rampage, to wage a war that they're not going to win. We have a fringe distro now, Devuan, that may or may not have a future. I see Devuan as scoring an across-the-board zero in having any type of corporate interest or backing, and the reasons are obvious. I believe people should be able to implement FOSS however they want and do what they see as fit. I do, however, believe we don't need more forks, infighting, people carrying out biased political agendas with no merit, and uninformed information being spread so other less technical Linux users (or those who are interested in Linux) continue the trend of spreading and believing misinformation.
  3. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #23 Skaendo, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
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  4. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Then you are saying that Theodore Ts'o, A MIT graduated, linux kernel developer and maintainer, one that complain against systemd is one of those people that doesn't understand the technical portions of the code?

    Not mention Linus Torvalds, and all others Debian maintainers.

    Please, I don't want to start a flame war about systemd evil vs good, it seems that systemd forced adoption will be inevitable, I think the point is what now? What are the alternatives?

    Most of the code of Gnome and systemd is developed by RedHat employees, no wonder the requirements.

    It doesn't seems misinformation to me, but facts.
  5. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #25 Skaendo, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    I don't think that systemd is inevitable, what I think is probably going to happen is that systemd is going to fall, eventually. Enough people are going to leave the distros that have adopted systemd (mostly Debian) for alternatives that in time they will have to take another look at the behemoth that systemd has become and what it has done to their userbase that they will drop it and Gnome all together. Either that or there is going to be all kinds of spyware, malware and virus' written for systemd Linux machines that they will see what a mistake it was to adopt a Windows-like approach to Linux.

    I've sat back and watched the 'new' Debian DDs make one bad choice after another. Starting with making Gnome the default DE. IMO, Debian shouldn't have a 'default DE' at all. In order to call themself a 'Universal Operating System', the install should be full of choices, and nothing default, except for the base system. Slackware is more of a 'Universal Operating System' than Debian is now, everything is optional at the time of install, everything.
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  6. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Isn't Julian Assange that said that Debian is owned by NSA? I'm starting to believe him.

    Looks like after Snowden leakege and Heartbleed Bug, they are in a urge not only in put new backdoors but enforce that every distro have it.

    Being almost every distro Red Hat or Debian derivatives, and Arch Linux adopting systemd with open arms, they can consider mission accomplished.

    Time have proven that almost every insane and impractical contribution from RedHat to linux community was blindly adopted, seems no different with systemd.

    Look at latest Gnome, don't know how people can stand it.

    If you have a relative powerful hardware and don't mind to compile everything from source, still there a few distros that didn't adopted systemd yet, like Gentoo, Funtoo, Lunar, crux...

    From the paranoid point of view I don't know if it worth, if you will need to install a closed source video driver God knows what kind of undiscovered "vulnerability" it may have.

    I'm thinking to come back to Gentoo, cross compile everything in my desktop to install in my laptop, but don't know if it worth the hassle.
  7. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    #27 EFA11, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  8. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    #28 pirithous, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
    Wow...this thread just got even more stupid. Now Debian has NSA backdoors in it? :-D
  9. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    "spoke about vulnerability of OS's to bribes and bugdoors in upstream components"

    Bribes, well who knows about human nature better than some power groups like NSA, etc *shrug*. Bugdoors/Backdoors are more feasible and something we can find eventually. Of course there will always be vulnerabilities to such things since that is in the hands of humans creating them. Not every dev has a backbone like Assange. That goes for ALL software, not just Debian.
  10. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    #30 pirithous, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  11. bk109

    bk109 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Backbone like Assange? ... Not sure what you're drinking,but you had enough :p ... That odd statement outta the way - I agree that bugdoors/backdoors can happen in a lot of ways :D Hell,one of the biggest <bleep!>ups lately were caused not by the NSA,but by relatively simple errors slipping past layer upon layer of reviews ;) (Of course,those errors can and will be exploited,but never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity or laziness.
    @Skaendo - Just because something is (allegedly) inferior,it doesn't mean that it will fail (if that were true,Unity would've been nuked even before 11.04 :D)
  12. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #32 Skaendo, Jan 5, 2015
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  13. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    #33 revertex, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
    Skaendo, i don't think you need to justify why you don't want systend, the point was always about choice, at least until now.

    There is more than one stable and mature systemd alternatives, but now we have no viable choice to use it.
  14. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #34 Skaendo, Jan 6, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015

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  15. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    Personally, I appreciate the passion (as long as it does not end up in flaming) - for or against - all is just speculation at this point. I'm willing to give it a chance and have confidence we can overcome whatever tech. deficiencies that will be exposed.

    Feel free to tell me "I told you you so" when/if the doo-doo hits the fan... :p
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  16. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    I have yet to see anyone offer information on how systemd is "better" besides "My boot time is faster". Not just here, but anywhere. And anyone who tries to defend systemd, usually it ends up with them saying that 'you just hate systemd', your a flamer; hater; etc, or something to that effect. Never offering anything more than my boot time is faster.

    I have seen the dark side. I seen what happens when systemd was forced into my Debian install, and then forced as my init. I reinstalled Debian and blocked systemd from installing. Eventually I couldn't update anymore because the list of things that required systemd dependencies was growing, so I was stuck. There is no longer any choice there. No longer the Universal Operating System. It is what they (DD's & Debians Government) want, what they see as the best for your system.

    I am still sad that I had to just walk away from an OS that I have used for 15+ years.
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  17. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    Yup I understand your frustration... I have concerns as well given Debian is the prime Web OS etc...
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  18. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
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  19. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #40 Skaendo, Jan 8, 2015
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