Debian now defaults with systemd

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Skaendo, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    systemd specifically targets Linux, not BSD. So you will find several BSD alternatives without it.
  2. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #42 Skaendo, Jan 8, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
    No doubt, I will be trying out some *BSD once they have PC-BSD's Lumina DE ported to other distros.

    *Actually I'm going to d/l PC-BSD and give it a go on my test laptop just for the heck of it.

    ** I had issues trying to install PC-BSD.
    FreeBSD on the other hand installed fine and I have it up and running fine with KDE.

    ***I had to trash FreeBSD. I had zero root access. I did it when I installed. Damn secure OS that's for sure.
    If it comes down to leaving Linux all together, that is where I'm going!

    And the FreeBSD install trashed my Windows install so I completely wiped drive, now I am going to try again to do a dual boot Win7&FreeBSD.

    Success! Windows 7 & FreeBSD/KDE dual boot on a single MBR/HDD. With root access in FreeBSD! Best of all..... NO SYSTEMD!
    So go ahead and take over Linux if you want systemd. I will not be forced to comply with your systematic take over!

    As systemd bugs grow to 190. (2015-01-09) hahahahaha. FAIL!

    I guess that I was having too much fun with Win7 & FreeBSD, I went and grabbed a iso of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.
    What an utter failure that was. I got the testing release to install, but it wouldn't load after the login screen. So I grabbed a copy of '7.7 Stable', installed fine logged in fine, then no wifi and no access to usb/sd, the only WM is XFCE.
    Yet again a complete drive wipe and fresh Win7 install.
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  3. zoulou99

    zoulou99 MDL Novice

    Aug 7, 2012
    #43 zoulou99, Jan 29, 2015
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  4. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #44 Skaendo, Jan 29, 2015
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  5. zoulou99

    zoulou99 MDL Novice

    Aug 7, 2012
    #45 zoulou99, Jan 29, 2015
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  6. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    #46 Skaendo, Jan 29, 2015
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  7. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    I dont understand all the problems people create with systemd :g:
  8. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Ubuntu based distro's all have the same problem for years, freezing. Yet they stated in their bug reporting stuff "fixed/patched". How come it's still there ? the problem was even before systemd.

    Also i don't see the problem with systemd, linux is stuck in the 90's with the command line stuff. If things can get easier why not replace it ? Systemd can be fixed if it has bugs, it's not like developers release something and don't maintain it. Also why would so many linux distro's adapt to systemd ?
  9. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Michel, I'm talking about serious flaws like Heartbleed, ShellShock, SSH, etc..

    Do you mean that command line stuff is obsolete and must be replaced by some sort of GUI interface?

    Most distros are debian or redhat derivatives, any changes in these two main distros affect all derivatives.

    These derivatives have no choice but adopt systemd sooner or later, because packages will depend on it.

    I agree with you, systemd can get fixed if it has bugs, but the main systemd developer and contributor is known to not care about bugs.

    His position is to make systemd even bigger focus in develop even further, not to concentrate in little annoyances like fix bugs.

    It's no secret that a bug in systemd can render a system unbootable.

    Seem like with systemd linux will no more about choices, systemd will take over every daemon without a choice to be disabled or replaced, that's the point most people that dislike systemd is concerned.

    i wonder why ChromeOS stick with upstart if systemd is so superior.
  10. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
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  11. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    #52 revertex, Jan 30, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    Once you learn even a bit about CLI, you can deny that's the most powerful an flexible way to manage and administer any *nix based system.

    How many of us have headless systems, GUIless servers, routers and other devices that have only CLI?

    Like Skaendo said, even Microsoft wake up and start implementing a more powerful CLI interface with powershell.

    Chocolatey, an apt-get like package manger for windowze use powershell, and I must say it's wonderful.

    Back to topic, systemd use systemctl for management...
  12. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    I'm still in-between and betwixt with this one... systemd is not just another init I know and all the against the Linux philosophy stuff, but I'm with with Michel on this one, CLI is what's holding us back from the "year of the Linux desktop", we can be old-school or relent to commercialism.
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  13. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
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  14. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    My first attempt, I successfully compiled the kernel, but I screwed up. I rebooted somewhere and borked it up.
    My second attempt, I successfully compiled the kernel, but I screwed it up due to not realizing that I was using l's instead of 1's. (The documentation needs to be in a different font maybe?)
    My third attempt, everything figured out following doc word-for-word, letter-for-letter, got to compiling the kernel and started getting errors that I didn't get the first and second time when I was borking things up. I couldn't get the kernel to compile.

    So I had to give up. 5+ hours of trying, and once I was following the doc to the letter I was getting errors, when I was screwing up I didn't get errors.
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  15. zoulou99

    zoulou99 MDL Novice

    Aug 7, 2012
    #59 zoulou99, Jan 31, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    # emerge --sync
    # emerge -auDN @world
    # mkdir /etc/portage/sets
    # echo sys-kernel/debian-sources > /etc/portage/sets/kernel
    # echo "sys-kernel/debian-sources binary" >> /etc/portage/package.use
    # emerge -1 @kernel
    if you successfully compiled the kernel one time, then continue to the next steps.
  16. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Windows 10 is a tech demo so far, you can't compare that with a rtm release :rolleyes: