The main thing is that make sure that you check the checksums. Besides that, it's a Chinese made OS, but you have to make your own decisions there.
They have a bunch of download mirrors now so it's a lot faster. I'm downloading from NY and it's taking 15 minutes total.
Why not say which one? What's stopping you? I said exactly which one I found... Besides, it's about the excruciatingly slow updates, too... even more so!!!
Looks like their mirrors change from day to day. I don't see NY today. Choose the mirror closest to your location.
I just did another look. The mirrors pop up sort of randomly. Click the download button on Sourceforge, then when the file download shows up, cancel it. Now click on "try another mirror" and choose from the list. What I thought I remembered as Post NY, is actually Pilot NY. It's fast. If you don't see it in the list, try again.
Deepin Linux is not very good for touch screen PC. I tried it for more than a month and it's a good Linux distro with its aesthetic user interface. It's more or less Windows 10 with less features.