Defender Switcher

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by wilenty, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    #21 wilenty, Nov 24, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
    Why You are so offensive?

    So, in your opinion users of this forum are fools because they get it and executed?

    NSudo is also external program, so, what you want to achieve by pointing my program?
  2. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    I'm not offensive. I'm distrustful.
    And your utility is untrustworthy.
    I see no reason to use the wrong option when there is a better one.
    I will not answer the second question, I do not want to offend anyone :)

    "NSudo is also external program, so, what you want to achieve by pointing my program?"
    But you lied, I didn't lie.
  3. Pl wilenty be strong. i hope you can understand my POV.
  4. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    I don't lie and I hate liars! I have no reason to lie in such cases. You not showed any examples where I lied, so, I see that you have the problem with reading and understanding. Please stop creating the fairy tales about me, because you don't know me!

    I don't know why you want to discredit me or my works, but I know when people have no arguments they wrote like you: "no open-source", "utility is untrustworthy", "you lied", blah, blah, blah... Without providing anything.
    So, my work is untrustworthy, because it does not has the open-source, or you was not able to extract my InnoSetup program, because it's very well protected? For that you looked for the filenames in the task-manager which my program uses, don't you?
    I will show that your super open-source script is more untrustworthy than mine:

    Defender Switcher cmd (MpCmdRun+DisableAntiSpyware) + NSudo
    detected by Defender No No
    powershell :) No No
    open source No Yes
    how many downloads user needs to execute it 1 2 (cmd script or it's source and NSudo)
    It checks if Defender components still exists Yes Unknown
    Allows enable/disable separate Defender components Yes Unknown
    It gives the choices to the user Yes Unknown
    How many External tools it uses to disable/enable the Defender (except the main program/script) 0 (Internal commands and API calls) cmd, NSudo, reg, MpCmdRun and sc (service control command-line program) {correct me if I missed something}
    Answer yourself why users should use your script with all of that External programs which it executes without any control over it, it's like a painting the wall with potato - you can do it but for what if there are better tools. :D It's faster - no, maybe it's better then - I don't think so.

    The infinite "War" between open-source and closed-source...

    BAU wrote about "Defender Control" from "Sordum" (with self-signed fake certificate) as one of arguments, where the before mentioned program is OK, but mine is "untrustworthy" and "closed-source". Both programs ("Defender Control" and "Defender Switcher") has closed-source, so, where is the difference between our programs, with exception that you don't like mine? Because I don't get it...

    If you really want to use the open-source, you should install Linux and stop using M$ products, then you don't need to have program like a "Defender Switcher".

    It makes me laugh, when people like you forcing open-source software on the closed-source software (OS) with a lot of bloatware. :roflmao:

    Please back to this discussion when you will have at least 1 argument, with exception of: "no open-source", "untrustworthy", "you lied", etc. Because your speech is "untrustworthy" without arguments, and you just hitting yourself. :p
  5. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014

    Defender Switcher v1.5

    At the outset I want to say sorry to everyone, but I forgot to delete temporary folder used by this program.

    So, I fixed it and updated first post.

    If you executed version 1.0 many times, please open the %tmp% location and delete all folders beginning with name "IS-" there (press [shift]+[del] to delete them permanently, instead of moving them to the "Trash"), or use your own cleaning program to remove all of the leftover folders from temporary location.
  6. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    #26 Krakatoa, Nov 29, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021

    My subjective opinion.
    From my point of view.
    Not offensive.

    Why I wrote: "But you lied"
    "And my tool don't need to execute any external programs."
    The sentence is written as an advantage.
    Swither.exe (execute, inno setup)
    > Switcher.tmp (write in user temp, execute, inno setup)
    > _setup64.tmp (write in user temp)
    > _iscrypt.dll (write in user temp, is not deleted)
    > API.dll (write in user temp, it is NSudoAPI dll)
    > dism.exe (write in user temp, execute, inno setup)
    >> Dism.tmp (write in win temp, execute, inno setup)
    >> _setup64.tmp (write in win temp)
    >> _iscrypt.dll (write in win temp, is not deleted)
    This is not an advantage and runs external programs (inno setup is extrernal, execute files are external).
    And zero in the table is also lie:
    "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c del /q "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Dism.exe"
    Note: I have nothing against run external program.

    open source vs closed-source
    I like closed-source programs.
    Example: Windows, Office, Total Commander, vmware, sysinternals... etc.
    Why don't I like that Defender Swither or Defender Control, for example, are closed-source programs? Because it seems to me that you are making a "Hello World" closed-source program. I tried to show that disabling Defender is easy with the following source code examples:
    I have something like yours for 60 lines ...
    So do you understand why I don't like closed-source for a trivial program?

    Why I wrote: "And your utility is untrustworthy."
    a) You make from "Hello World" closed-source
    b) You use inno setup, which is more for installing programs.
    c) You try to give the impression that the behavior of the program is ideal compared to another, while it is not:
    Swither.exe (execute, inno setup)
    > Switcher.tmp (write in user temp, execute, inno setup)
    > _setup64.tmp (write in user temp)
    > _iscrypt.dll (write in user temp, is not deleted)
    > API.dll (write in user temp, it is NSudoAPI dll)
    > dism.exe (write in user temp, execute, inno setup)
    >> Dism.tmp (write in win temp, execute, inno setup)
    >> _setup64.tmp (write in win temp)
    >> _iscrypt.dll (write in win temp, is not deleted)
    d) According to github, you can probably autoit, so I don't understand why you used inno setup.

    Why should users use my script?
    The question is rather why they should use your tool.

    Applies to version 1.0. I didn't try new one.
  7. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
  8. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    "external programs" = any binary outside the ones the reference operating system comes with, period
    In what parallel universe your binary that you went through hoops and bounds to "protec" warrants any shred of trust vs. built-in microsoft ones?!
    Why even initiate that comparison yourself? It really would have been taken better without such outrageous claims.
    I refuse to believe you're that dense - so that leaves deceiving users for some ulterior motive..
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    When I was young and beautiful, I was able to "cheat" Kaspersky with AutoIT compiled program. :p :roflmao:
    That's the "trust" to the M$, that you need to create complicated scripts to disable its Defender... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  10. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    Why didn't you do it in autoit?
    For example, as follows:
    Binary: DefenderDisabler-an.7z
    Source code: DefenderDisabler-an-sc.7z
    I know both, inno setup and autoit. You too. So I find it weird that you used inno setup and not autoit.
    In autoit, you make the gui you want.
    No crazy with temp files like using inno setup.

    I have the DOS brochure too, but I've already discarded the floppy disks :)
  12. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
  13. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    Defender doesn't detect it yet :)
    Don't know how to refresh tray icon in Autoit?
    When I kill SecurityHealthSystray.exe I have a dead icon there and I can't run SecurityHealthSystray.exe again :-(
  14. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
  15. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014

    Defender Switcher v3

    (Finally) they blocked my program. :D Exactly they blocked "NSudo.dll", so, I recompiled it and now it works like a new one. If you like this program, and this version will stops working again, please disable the Defender and then execute this program again - it should helps.

    First post updated.
  16. spinalGR

    spinalGR MDL Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2014
  17. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    No problem - I updated first post (with direct link).

    Out of the topic,
    you can use my 7zTC (7-Zip/NanaZip theme changer) to install any version of NanaZip as a "standard version" like you asked in the NanaZip thread.

  18. Wilenty sir on w11 22H2 2262x.xxxx two more services needs to be cross checked as wdthreat*** . i think both of them needs to be disabled too on this build :)
  19. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    To be honest, I don't use W11, I just installed it on VM (the first version) to "check this new product".
    So, can you share the names of the services to disable, and in what order these services should be disabled/enabled?