That’s exactly what I did on D430 and got recoverable brick. GX280 is very different - you have moved entire RSDT already and only SSDT got messed up. So it might be your best bet still. Looks like zero terminated string to me. Have no clue on consequences of borrowing tho. Not sure if it’s any good idea. “Learn something new” == “do mistakes”. And you can do only 2. I was wondering, could you use DOS to flash unmodified BIOS and get ACPI report. And also compare file against memory? Good. Make sure you get good experience playing with it!
Another time waste… I did another purely educational test – modified 5100 A03 this time. Code: Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress LenthDescription Table (ACPI 2.0) RSD PTR DELL 000FEB01 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTDELL 5100 000FD20A 64Root System Desc.Table |- XSDTDELL 5100 000FD25E 92Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP DELL 5100 000FD356 244 01 |- SSDT DELL_ex FFFCA2C2 172 02 |- APIC DELL 5100 000FD44A 114 03 |- BOOT DELL 5100 000FD4BC 40 04 |- ASF! DELL 5100 000FD4E4 103 05 |- MCFG DELL 5100 000FD54B 62 06 |- HPET DELL 5100 000FD589 56 Code: Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress LenthDescription Table (ACPI 2.0) RSD PTR DELL 000FEB01 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTDELL M09 000FD20A 68Root System Desc.Table |- XSDTDELL M09 000FD25E 100Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP DELL 5100 000FD356 244 01 |- SSDT DELL_ex FFFCA2F1 172 02 |- APIC DELL 5100 000FD44A 114 03 |- BOOT DELL 5100 000FD4BC 40 04 |- ASF! DELL 5100 000FD4E4 103 05 |- MCFG DELL 5100 000FD54B 62 06 |- HPET DELL 5100 000FD589 56 * 07 |- SLIC DELL M09 000FF330 374Software Licensing Desc.Table * I can upload AcpiTbls report later in case somebody is interested.
No brainer 9100 A03 joined the club, even got W7 activated, sorry… Code: Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress LenthDescription Table (ACPI 2.0) RSD PTR DELL 000FEB01 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTDELL M09 000FD204 68Root System Desc.Table |- XSDTDELL M09 000FD258 100Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP DELL 9100 000FD350 244 01 |- SSDT DELL_ex FFFCACBF 172 02 |- APIC DELL 9100 000FD444 114 03 |- BOOT DELL 9100 000FD4B6 40 04 |- ASF! DELL 9100 000FD4DE 103 05 |- MCFG DELL 9100 000FD545 62 06 |- HPET DELL 9100 000FD583 56 * 07 |- SLIC DELL M09 000FF330 374Software Licensing Desc.Table
Excellent news, does it mean one day we (public) can slic the older Dell PCs that could perfectly run W7, but never had any slic in even latest BIOS sebus
Crossposing here... sorry. Guys, Anybody can share Intel(R) RAID for SATA full option ROM for ICH7, please? I got (RAID0, 1, 10) only looking for (RAID0, 1, 10, 5) one. I tried to flash full, but got hardware unsupported error during ROM loading. It didn’t brick mobo fortunately! Edit: Thanks to SoLoR, I got v5.6.2.1002 from D945GBO using Andy tool, flashed and it worked fine!
I don't have it. I prefer to compare ROM with memory minimize mistake chance. As I said many times, I’m not mod expert. I’ll take a look tho.
Well, all tools you (real mod experts, not me!) needed are in this thread for about a month already. en4rab is trying right now – I admit, he has a complex case... The ones I did were absolute no-brainers – 100% static mod with empty slots in both RSDT / XSDT. For Andy: Obviously, those cases can be easily automated.
Please check couple offsets in memory: * File offset 5200 should be mapped to memory one FD200 = 5200 + F8000 You should see RSDT and XSDT exactly like this, but with corrected sums (the byte preceding DELL DXP051) Code: Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 00005200 E6 B3 B0 0A E6 B2 E6 84 C3 52 53 44 54 40 00 00 æ³°.æ²æ„ÃRSDT@.. 00005210 00 01 00 44 45 4C 4C 20 20 44 58 50 30 35 31 20 ...DELL DXP051 00005220 00 07 00 00 00 41 53 4C 20 61 00 00 00 E1 D2 0F .....ASL a...áÒ. 00005230 00 00 00 00 00 49 D4 0F 00 BB D4 0F 00 E3 D4 0F .....IÔ..»Ô..ãÔ. 00005240 00 4A D5 0F 00 88 D5 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .JÕ..ˆÕ......... 00005250 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 58 53 44 .............XSD 00005260 54 5C 00 00 00 01 00 44 45 4C 4C 20 20 44 58 50 T\.....DELL DXP 00005270 30 35 31 20 00 07 00 00 00 41 53 4C 20 61 00 00 051 .....ASL a.. 00005280 00 55 D3 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .UÓ............. 00005290 00 49 D4 0F 00 00 00 00 00 BB D4 0F 00 00 00 00 .IÔ......»Ô..... 000052A0 00 E3 D4 0F 00 00 00 00 00 4A D5 0F 00 00 00 00 .ãÔ......JÕ..... 000052B0 00 88 D5 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .ˆÕ............. 000052C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000052D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 000052E0 00 46 41 43 50 74 00 00 00 01 00 44 45 4C 4C 20 .FACPt.....DELL There should be enough FF to insert SLIC (176) starting from 7330 Code: Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 00007310 E8 7D FE EB 0B 3C 40 72 07 3C 59 77 03 E8 D9 FE è}þë.<@r.<Yw.èÙþ 00007320 5B 58 C3 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF [XÃÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00007330 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00007340 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ... 000074B0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 000074C0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Any differences?
GX620 a11 In case anybody interested... Code: Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress LenthDescription Table (ACPI 2.0) RSD PTR DELL 000FEB01 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTDELL GX620 000FD203 64Root System Desc.Table |- XSDTDELL GX620 000FD257 92Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP DELL GX620 000FD34F 244 01 |- SSDT DELL_ex FFFD8815 170 02 |- APIC DELL GX620 000FD443 114 03 |- BOOT DELL GX620 000FD4B5 40 04 |- ASF! DELL GX620 000FD4DD 103 05 |- MCFG DELL GX620 000FD544 62 06 |- HPET DELL GX620 000FD582 56 RSD PTR DELL 000FEB01 36Root System Desc.Pointer | |- RSDTDELL M09 000FD203 68Root System Desc.Table |- XSDTDELL M09 000FD257 100Extended System Desc.Table | 00 |- FACP DELL GX620 000FD34F 244 01 |- SSDT DELL_ex FFFD8847 170 02 |- APIC DELL GX620 000FD443 114 03 |- BOOT DELL GX620 000FD4B5 40 04 |- ASF! DELL GX620 000FD4DD 103 05 |- MCFG DELL GX620 000FD544 62 06 |- HPET DELL GX620 000FD582 56 * 07 |- SLIC DELL M09 000FF4D0 374Software Licensing Desc.Table
First brick... Messed up Dimension 5150-E510 – got a complete brick. I did very same steps. I was so sure I do every right so I didn’t even check rom size after editing. Postmortem analysis showed, during SLIC insertion rom size increased 374 bytes – i.e. instead of overwriting FF bytes I insert extra bytes… Well, what’s done is done. Good lesson for myself.
Ouch. That makes losing a $50 NIC seem OK by comparison. What are your restoration options for that PC? -tij-
IMO, 0%. It's not even try to spin floppy. CD spins when disk is inserted - I guess, internal CD firmware it does it. It died just few days before its 5th birthday... Better learn on somebody else mistakes, our own are quite painful... sometimes... $50 NIC... Never counted actually, how much my overconfidence cost me already? There a good thing also - nobody will ask me do to any mods!
Search and destroy… I was going back and forth (about adding SATA oROM to Optiplex series. All hardware is there, but how to tell BIOS to load it? Racheously we need to find unused CMOS bit, make sure we can set them in BIOS menu, modify BIOS loader to read the bit and load oROM. Another way will be… to replace PXE/RLE whatever oROM! Optiplex with Broadcom NIC has two separate PXE and RLE and they can be enabled/disabled independently. Could we replace one them with SATA? Before I brick it, question to experts: What/where are the pitfalls there? I guess, I better try on D430 first, if it has ICH# chip. I hope it does.
Andy, I have all programs ready: 1. extract / insert HDR from / to exe (you have it too, but mine are quite different) 2. extract all modules (need a header map, build manually ) 3. list / replace / insert / delete modules (only chained, not chain type detection yet) 4. uncompress / compress modules. #3 is not posted, to keep away beginners, experts modders can do it manually easily. They only missing piece is patching uncompress module (you have it) Do you want to integrate into your tool somehow or should I post everything as it? I’m leaning to the first option, obviously – I don’t feel answering endless questions (because nobody reads readme /FAQ) and hiccup every time a mobo got bricked.