May I chime in too, please? 755 are 2.0 and can be updated to 2.1 with Andy tool. I think Busykid508 has posted great instructions for complete dummies. Yet he keeps spoiling people by making and posting mods - I guess he enjoys the process How one can possibly become an adult if his/her parents keep solving all his/her problems? Sorry, didn’t mean to offend anybody!
strange the link on the first page for the inspiron 545 bios goes to a fiile for insipiron 546 file.. seems strange ???
Oops. Apparently I’m mistaken about 755. Latest PhoenixTool makes HDR only and it cannot be flashed from DOS with –readgzfile. Sorry about that. The right way is: I cannot find VYSE post Shakey referring too Anybody knows where to find it?
Hi, With my D830 I get an error messege saying ' This BIOS does not support the level of hardware in this system' Do you have any idea why this would happen?