Dell - Phoenix/EFI Manual Mod Thread

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ssvetec, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. agel1

    agel1 MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2009
    i was trying different settings in the bios because i was trying to install hackintosh (osx86) in my laptop, the problem is i can't call Computrace to deactivate it because im not the original owner of the laptop, i bought the laptop from a guy in Craigslist and i don't have the purchase receipt, i find out about Computrace the other day looking at the services in task manager, maybe it was me who activate it in the bios or maybe it was activated when i bought it, but i know the laptop wasn't reported stolen because is been 4 months, thanks
  2. agel1

    agel1 MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2009
    i downloaded the phoenix tool but i don't see a option for putting it in manufacturing mode in the advanced options, if you can find a tool to do it let me know, thanks for your help
  3. shakeyplace

    shakeyplace MDL Addicted

    May 5, 2007
  4. agel1

    agel1 MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2009
    changing the asset tag to PASS:12/31 and PASS:12/34 didn't reset my bios, thanks
  5. shakeyplace

    shakeyplace MDL Addicted

    May 5, 2007
    Why do you need to disable it? It should not measurably decrease your performance, it just transmits your ip to a server periodically..
  6. agel1

    agel1 MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2009
    i was trying different settings in the bios because i was trying to install hackintosh (osx86) in my laptop, the problem is i can't call Computrace to deactivate it because im not the original owner of the laptop, i bought the laptop from a guy in Craigslist and i don't have the purchase receipt, i find out about Computrace the other day looking at the services in task manager, maybe it was me who activate it in the bios or maybe it was already activated when i bought it, but i know the laptop wasn't reported stolen because is been 4 months, thanks

    i want to disable it because if one day the the original owner of the laptop decide to report it stolen i am screwed up, and if i want to sell it in the future nobody would buy it because the spyware is active and can't be disabled, thanks
  7. octoberasian

    octoberasian MDL Novice

    Aug 16, 2009
    Dell Inspiron 1525.
  8. shakeyplace

    shakeyplace MDL Addicted

    May 5, 2007
    Hi octoberasian, Dell can be unpredictable at times and there was one server model that needed to have the service tag number reset to be able to update the SLIC version but I do not suspect that in this case here as others have enjoyed success with that model.. Having said that I would like you to try something, first try running the phoenix tool on the updated bios flasher, see if it reports it correctly as SLIC2.1, if so, what does the slic toolkit report your slic marker as? Is it still M08 or has it been updated to the new version? Have you tried the modded file linked on the first page of this thread? (I see you have!). Well, I find it hard to believe that yours never updated but you seem to have tried everything I might have suggested including downgrading first... Don't suppose there is any chance you have mixed up the files before flashing, lol... Well I do have one more suggestion, if you were to reset your service tag using one of the bootable disks linked to on the first page, that is what was required when updating a particular model server (apparently the entire slic was stored in eeprom).... If indeed everything else has been attempted the that could be the answer, perhaps there was an updated model of the motherboard requiring this? If that doen't work and all else is the same then I can't think of any more possibilities