New here and need help please I have an old Dell C640 which I am trying to boost up rather than throw it away it does for travelling, surfing the net etc... Specs: 1GB Memory Zorin OS 120GB HDD 2.0 GHz CPU CDRW (wanting a DVDRW) Bios A10. What I would like to know is there a mod for Booting with USB Support or for Win7 to Run on it If so, how? ..noob Thanks
Thanks for the quick reply, havent tried Win7 yet as its a CDRW I have not DVD and dont know how to boot from USB as bios doesnt allow me That link you gave will try Thanks
Im stumped, as I need to put Win7 onto a USB as it wont fit onto CD as image is to big. How do I use that link to put the file onto so that this Dell can see it ?? Which one do I follow?
A++ Thanks so much for that, it worked Is there a modded bios (better one than A10) for the Dell C640 for usb to be included at boot?
Thanks for the feedback. Noop... A10 is the last available bios & it can't be modded to include USB boot (afaik).