Dell - Phoenix/EFI Manual Mod Thread

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ssvetec, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. Jelges

    Jelges MDL Novice

    Dec 27, 2009
    Hi, I have a Dell Precision M6300 Notebook with Intel Core 2 Extreme X9000 Processor. I can't fully use the potential of the cpu by default. At the Moment I use Throttle Stop to use it at 3.4 GHz. I know that other Models like XPS-M1730 have an Option in BIOS to set Multiplicator.

    I have an XPS-M1710 which would have the same Option in BIOS with a Core 2 Duo 7600G CPU and I will get an Precision M90 shortly that again does not offer this Option.

    Could someone please help me with a modification to make this Option available in my M6300 BIOS.

    By the way, I used AndyPs SLIC Tool to have SLIC 2.1 in BIOS A13. I tried to use A14 which would be the last Version but the SLIC Toolkit modified the file and when I wanted to apply it, it told me that the file would be corupt.

    Maybe Yen or someone else, can You help me, please?

    Can anybody help me please?

    Yours Sincerely, Jelges
  2. szymoncobo

    szymoncobo MDL Novice

    Apr 5, 2013
    I'm new in forum
    I have problem i must change in Dell Latitude D630 bios system info from "Latitude D630" to my own name xxxxxxx
    Can you help me ??

  3. RobinGill

    RobinGill MDL Novice

    Apr 5, 2013
    Funnily enough I have been trying for the last two days to change the string in my D620. I also wish to change the splash screen. I suspect splash screen will be easy, but I really need to change the reported make/model name first.

    I require the bios to report a different name when queried by the os. Here is what I have found out:

    It looks like windows queries via wmi. Any attempts to set values via wmi won't work as the bios is read only as far as wmi is concerned.

    I believe wmi queries the dmi info in the bios.

    If I download the dell bios d620_a10.exe, I can add the following switches to extract the relevant files -writehdrfile or -writeromfile

    If I try to hex edit the strings found then flash using winphlash, winphlash moans about checksum (I don't know how to generate crc).

    However if I try to use winphlash to flash an untouched file I also get errors.

    Even if I backup bios using winphlash and try to restore this backup it still doesn't work.

    I've also realised I can change dmi info via winphlash in theory, but at it doesn't like my flash files, this doesn't work.

    The closest I've got is using winphlash rather than, I can almost restore the backup flash but then it complains error 144 the bios is not flashable.

    I have also found Apokrif's tools and split the bios file but I have no idea what to do from there, and if that is even relevant.

    I also have noted, prior to attempting to modify the bios, I thought it would be good practise to rehearse the recovery routine. If I unplug batt/power and hold power button for 30 secs then release, hold end button and plug power, then press power button, I don't get a red power led and it doesn't change the boot up routine. However if I look at the led - it only has two solder connections. The only led with more is the battery led with 4 connections so I do not believe it is even possible for my power led to light up red.

    I would like to learn how to do this myself but I don't even know where to begin to start - any help would be very gratefully appreciated.
  4. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
  5. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    #3935 Tito, Apr 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Well, I face some problems while re-modding the bios for XPS/Dimension 630i.

    I have copied offset 28670h-11866Fh and save to a new file. CBROM output is as follows:
    D:\Softwares\BIOS Modding & DMI Editing\awardtool153>cbrom32 bios.bin /d
    CBROM32 V1.15 [Oct  3 2007 Release] (C)ASUSTeK Computer Inc. 2007
                  ********     bios.bin BIOS component ********
     No. Item-Name         Original-Size   Compressed-Size Original-File-Name
      0. System BIOS       20000h(128.00K)  13DAAh(79.42K)  A13.BIN
      1. XGROUP            0FFA0h(63.91K)   0A7B2h(41.92K)  awardext.rom
      2. ACPI Table        04C1Fh(19.03K)   01F86h(7.88K)   ACPITBL.BIN
      3. EPA               0168Ch(5.64K)    002AAh(0.67K)   AwardBmp.bmp
      4. YGROUP            0C640h(49.56K)   06D01h(27.25K)  awardeyt.rom
      5. GROUP ROM[ 0]     06820h(26.03K)   02D17h(11.27K)  _EN_CODE.BIN
      6. SETUP0            01D30h(7.30K)    00D04h(3.25K)   _ITEM.BIN
      7. BIOSF0            01CB0h(7.17K)    013EEh(4.98K)   _DMI.BIN
      8. OEM0              0C400h(49.00K)   00B82h(2.88K)   BSMICODE.ROM
      9. PCI ROM[A]        0B600h(45.50K)   070DCh(28.21K)  DruidOROM_9.87.rom
     10. PCI ROM        0F000h(60.00K)   07D18h(31.27K)  NVPXES.NIC
     11. GV3               0267Dh(9.62K)    00D83h(3.38K)   PPMINIT.ROM
     12. GROUP ROM[ 1]     02DD0h(11.45K)   01044h(4.07K)   oemcode.rom
     13. OEM5              01000h(4.00K)    004D3h(1.21K)   bmpshow.rom
     14. OEM4              091F6h(36.49K)   01FB1h(7.92K)   TEDPG4.bmp
     15. OEM6              00656h(1.58K)    0034Ah(0.82K)   XPS4.bmp
     16. OEM7              00EE6h(3.72K)    00295h(0.65K)   Border4.bmp
     17. GROUP ROM[ 2]     005B6h(1.43K)    00296h(0.65K)   Bar4.bmp
     18. GROUP ROM[ 3]     0AB76h(42.87K)   01F62h(7.85K)   TEDPG3.bmp
     19. GROUP ROM[ 4]     00656h(1.58K)    00363h(0.85K)   XPS3.bmp
     20. GROUP ROM[ 5]     00EE6h(3.72K)    002A4h(0.66K)   Border3.bmp
     21. GROUP ROM[ 7]     005B6h(1.43K)    002A7h(0.66K)   Bar3.bmp
     22. OEM2              23AD0h(142.70K)  0C572h(49.36K)  PSA4508.BIN
    (SP) NCPUCODE          2F400h(189.00K)  2F400h(189.00K) NCPUCODE.BIN
      Total compress code space  = DE000h(888.00K)
      Total compressed code size = 7E84Eh(506.08K)
      Remain compress code space = 5F7B2h(381.92K)
     *** NVMM 4.081.4806/03/08 * Start Offset => 0, End Offset => 8f00 ***
                              ** Micro Code Information **
    Update ID  CPUID  |  Update ID  CPUID  |  Update ID  CPUID  |  Update ID  CPUID
    PGA478 2B   0F25  |  PGA423 2C   0F25  |  PGA478 37   0F27  |  PGA478 2E   0F29
    PGA478 09   0F65  |  SLOT1  04   0F64  |  PGA478 0F   0F62  |  PGA478 07   0F61
    SLOT1  05   0F60  |  SLOT1  04   0F4A  |  SLOT1  03   0F49  |  SLOT1  03   0F47
    SLOT1  06   0F44  |  SLOT1  05   0F43  |  SLOT1  03   0F42  |  SLOT1  17   0F41
    SLOT1  02   0F37  |  SLOT1  17   0F34  |  SLOT1  0C   0F33  |  SLOT1  0A   0F32
    SLOT1  0B   0F31  |  PGA478 12   0F30  |  SLOT1  A1   06FD  |  SLOT1  B6   06FB
    SLOT1  82   06F9  |  SLOT1  C6   06F6  |  SLOT1  33   06F5  |  SLOT1  33   06F5
    SLOT1  25   06F4  |  SLOT1  26   06F4  |  SLOT1  11   06F1  |  SLOT1  56   06F2
    SLOT1  05   06F0  |  SLOT2  05   06F0  |  SLOT1  05   06F0  |  SLOT1  32   0661
    SLOT1  04   0660  |  PPGA   B6   06FB  |  PPGA   68   06F7  |  SLOT1  33   06F5
    SLOT1  26   06F4  |  SLOT2  06   0671  |  SLOT1  06   0671  |  PPGA   06   0671
    PPGA   04   0674  |  SLOT2  04   0674  |  SLOT1  04   0674  |  PPGA   0C   0676
    SLOT2  0B   0676  |  SLOT1  0B   0676  |  PPGA   05   0677  |  SLOT1  07   067A
    D:\Softwares\BIOS Modding & DMI Editing\awardtool153>

    But I can't mod it using Dynamic method by Award Tool v1.53 as I always get 'Error 6 - Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.'

    Am I doing something wrong??
  6. gavin8857

    gavin8857 MDL Novice

    Jan 2, 2013
    THANK YOU conghoaxa1 !:worthy:I will try to modify this bios with phoenixtool 1.98,but would you please teach me, why not phoenixtool2.14?Thanks again:hug2: