Greetings, What a great forum you have here. I've been browsing it for a couple of days now but am having no luck reading through the 'mega threads', they are just too long. A friend of mine was given a Dell Dimension 5150/E510 which he would like me to install Win 8 onto. After running Everest and CPU-Z I have come up with the following: Bios- Phoenix D5 updated to A07 Mobo- DM051 Model-0KF623 Chipset- Intel i945 P/PL/G/GZ rev A2 Southbridge- 82801GB (ICH7/R) I did manage to find a modified bios on this site but the url doesn't work. Was wondering if there is any way of getting a modified bios for this machine. Also a couple of other questions if you don't mind, I can start a seperate thread for these if you think it would be better but for now I'll include them here. Is there any way of allowing access to all the bios options? And finally, is there any way of making the mobo recognise all the cpu's that work in it, in other words, getting rid of the 'alert incompatible processor-press F1 to continue' message that comes up when I boot? I have already changed the processor to a 3.6Ghz from the standard 3Ghz and was hoping to go up to a Pentium D 3.6Ghz, which according to Intel ARK are both compatible with this mobo/chipset. Thanks.
Dell inspiron 530 im looking for a 2.1 slic bios for the 530 all the links are old and files have been removed does anyone have a new link?
Dell Dimension 5150/E510 im looking for a slic bios, all the links are old and files have been removed does anyone have a new link?
just wanted to say thanks to the folks who made slic 2.1 A10 bios for the inspiron e1405 laptop. flashed it on my mom's E1405 laptop several months ago and it worked great. and I recently upgraded the OS from Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 to Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 and after installing an oem slp key for Win7 HP, activation was successful.