Has anyone got the latest modded BIOS saved for the Precision M90? All links I found are dead and I don't have the machine yet to upload a RWE dump.
Hi MDL community, I have a hobby of upgrading old laptops to use them. My current project is my Dell Vostro 1500 with PM965 chipset. Through google search I have concluded that PM965 is cabable of 8GB with BIOS update. But Vostro 1500 A06 is up to 6GB bootable. 8GB does not boot. My solution was to find an dell bios update to a dell system with similar hardware and use its BIOS to enable 8GB. Dell XPS M1530 w/ PM965 w/ 8GB is bootable with the A12 BIOS update. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Still in need of assistance with the Dell Inspiron 660 Vostro 270 project. Anyone who can help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Who can run/activate/UNLOCK ssd msata in fcm slot in Dell Precision m6500? My Dell no see in BIOS msata ssd on fcm slot on Bios A07 - A10 Who can mod bios? and activate msata ?
Hello I've been having trouble getting this or any other mod to work on my Optiplex 755. So many of the links to these mods are broken. For the ones that I was able to download, I have tried flashing using the DOS method via Windows 98 command prompt, and have also tried from WinPhlash. Either way, no matter what I do I keep getting an error message that says"-103 platform signature is not found on the interface" Can anyone help?
Can anyone here help me? Am I in the wrong thread? Can this mod be done? What tools do I use to properly unhide the SLIC? It does not show the SLIC with windows loader. Where do I find the latest RWeverything to post it here? Can this be modded with AndyP tools? When I try AndyP's Tool it shows 2.0 instead of 2.5 SLIC when using the tool. I have not tried flashing yet.