THX Res Thanks your response. Why can't you add SLIC2.1 before Vista? If SLIC2.1 added , it cannot work sure? Ohh What should I do?
There is no way to add a slic to a bios from dell which has no cannot even open it...sorry but loaders are not going to work as well....Why? Microsoft's Windows 7 WAT technology which is its new validation program discovers loaders and will limit access to windows until you buy a product key...the only alternative is to buy windows 7...sorry.
Yes Jeff, it can work. What you may need to do with a bad battery is flash from a command prompt with elevated priveledges using the /forceit switch to bypass the battery check... but make sure you don't unplug it during the flash... more detailed directions.. extract the rar files, find the modded flash file it should be named something like MM061A17_SLIC.EXE and either A) create a Dos boot disk (usb or whatever), shorten the file name to 8 letters or less, and put it on the disk, boot to the disk and flash with the command MM061A17 /forceit where MM061A17 is the new file name (* letters or less) or B) type cmd at the search box by the start menu in Vista or 7, right click on cmd.exe that will appear above it under programs, change to the directory where you placed the modded flash file by using the cd command (ie, cd C:\Users\MyName\Downloads) then type the filename with the /forceit switch (ie, MM061A17_SLIC /forceit) note, no need to shorten the file name in the windows command prompt...