Dell XPS Studio 1640 Bios update problems through Phoenix Recovery

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Jon1972, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Tammy

    Tammy MDL Novice

    May 22, 2011

    Thank you for your help.

    I have extracted the 922D1P29.bin file; could you point me to a thread that deals with Dell AMI BIOS recovery where I could post my problem?

  2. pjcronje

    pjcronje MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2011
    Wooohooo!!! Fixed my gf's Studio XPS 1340 laptop... now I don't have to buy her a new one anymore!

    Key thing to remember - be sure to use a later/latest version of PHLASH16.EXE. Turns out that's why I spent half the night not getting it to work...

    Thanks to everyone who contributed :biggrin:
  3. Maho007

    Maho007 MDL Novice

    Apr 26, 2012
    Not recovered

    Hello i'm french sorry for my bad english, after a fail bios flash my laptop won't turn on , packard bell lj-75 insyde bios , i tried the recovery procedure with correct name of bios that i get with handy tool's, the flash disk led blink and after 3 min he shutdown but no reboot and sure no boot . I sended the laptop to an enterprise that use spi programmer and 2 months later nothing no boot .:shisha:

    My question is it's possible that is the embedded controller faulty because the bios update was crashed when a module ec.rom was in erasing mode , i have no reponse from keyboard before i shut the computer . If yes how i can solve this problem , i have to reprogram the ene chip ? or i can flash with a crisis recovery disk the module only or with bios ?

    I can't attach my bios links
    version bios 1.08: lj-75 easynote packard bell
    thanks by advance this threads is usefull .

  4. spicymanster

    spicymanster MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2012
    :( Hello Friends i have read this for about a day or so..........and my problem is i have a dell stuido 15 (1555) laptop. Now what happened was that day before yesterday i was trying to update my laptop . It hanged and now it won't start i have tried what you all have mentioned please help me ...............can any of you given me hdr file of the bios .....because whenever i tried doing it could not be created in my pc so please help.
  5. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    Install 7-zip & use it to extract "flashabl.rom" from the .exe file. Rename it to BIOS.wph & follow the instruction at post #2.
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  6. Flexus99

    Flexus99 MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2013

    I have read this thread very attentively, as well as other threads on this issue.
    I just tried flashing my BIOS to A15 today. I have a Dell Studio XPS 1640 running Windows 7 (64-bit).
    The only difference is: the reason i flashed it was because my on-board keyboard mysteriously stopped working. I tried all the obvious things: rebooting, reinstalling drivers, removing the device and adding it back...
    A forum post i read claimed that an identical problem was solved on an identical laptop by flashing.

    Obviously, the BIOS update failed (which seems to be a common problem judging by the forum posts).
    I have followed the instructions on created an emergency crisis USB key, and this procedure works fine as i have the 3 files on the key.

    Now here's my problem: i have read several variations on how to boot up and flash via USB key. The steps are described mainly as follows:
    1- remove battery & power supply
    2- plug in USB key
    3- plug in AC power
    4- THIS IS THE VARIABLE: (power up) or (hold [END] and power up) or (hold [Fn] and power up) or (other combinations using [win] / [Esc])

    This solution is not working for me, but i am unsure of whether or not its the keyboard malfunctioning.

    My question is simple: what should i be observing at what step?
    A) the USB key seems to be created fine, i have even tried using 7 different versions of PHLASH16.exe. is there any reason to believe the problem is at this step?
    B) the computer turns on, the media keys cycle but then the 3 volume keys just continue flashing until eventually, after 20 seconds, the keyboard backlight goes to max brightness and the computer shuts off. The USB key activity light never flickers so it seems it is not even being accessed.

    I am wondering where the failure is occurring. Do the 3 media keys always flash even when the system successfully boots off USB? the screen never turns on so it is impossible to say. the power ring LED also just stays as white.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.
  7. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    There are a couple possible reason it doesn't work.
    • The keyboard is actually faulty
    • You didn't create the rescue flash drive in Windows XP
    • Wrong combination of keys
      (Correct procedure: Press & hold "End" button, connect AC adapter & immediately released the "End" button)

    Flashing BIOS because some hardware stop working is not good idea. You could easily find out whether the keyboard is faulty by disconnecting & reconnecting the keyboard cable to motherboard.
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  8. Flexus99

    Flexus99 MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2013
    thanks for the prompt reply! here are some updates.

    - I did create the rescue flash drive in Windows XP, is there any other reason why it would not have been created properly?
    - I tried with a USB keyboard plugged in, but from what i can tell, the USB ports power up and initialize too late. i will attempt to try with another on-board keyboard.
    - As for the key procedure: the only difference in your method is to hold end before connecting the AC power. You dont mention at what point i should press the power button. Are you insinuating it should turn on automatically when i plug in AC power? Because it does not, i have tried several times. One other bit of info which may or may not be relevant, is that the laptop used to respond immediately when i pushed the power button, now when i press it, there's a 3-4 seconds delay before anything happens.
  9. kizwan

    kizwan MDL Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    #50 kizwan, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
    You don't need to press the power button. This is way I didn't mention anything about power button. If you follow exactly the procedure but doesn't work, then the keyboard is faulty. If you released the "End" button a couple seconds late, it won't turn on too. The monitor will always blank, not even backlight is turn on. The only indication it's running in recovery mode is the fan running in full speed. When it's done, it will shutdown/reboot itself.
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  10. Flexus99

    Flexus99 MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2013

    I tried with a new keyboard and it worked!
    Also, as kizwan mentioned, the correct procedure it to plug in the USB, hold down the ÊNDç key, plug in AC power, and quickly release the button.
    The BIOS was flashed back to A10, but i reflashed it to A15 and the old keyboard is working again! This is great!

    Thank you for the help!
  11. deosola

    deosola MDL Novice

    Jun 11, 2014
    I have what I think is a BIOS issue with my XPS 1645 (documented in another post which I can't link to)

    Will following the method outlined by kizwan allow me to flash the BIOS is A11?
  12. maradel

    maradel MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2014
    Wow, thanks for this great fix! I bricked my XPS 1640 trying to apply a bios update. Never again!!
    This got my computer going again, YAAY!

    Like an earlier poster mentioned, I had to manually copy the 3 files to my usb stick after I ran wincris.exe from my Windows 7 computer, otherwise it worked like a charm. I should also mention that you do have to hit the power button after you release the "END" key, or at least I did. I had to read a few posts to get that part.
  13. mgbassace

    mgbassace MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2014
    Hi All. I realise that this thread is fairly old, I have a dell inspirion 1764, I5 laptop, downloaded the bios update from the dell website with the service tag for the laptop and it has bricked the unit, doesnt power up, I have downloaded and followed the instruction for the wincris but cannot seem to get it to work. have the files on usb insert the usb in the faulty machine, power cord out, press end insert power cord, release end, nothing happens, if i do the procedure again, but release end and the press it again once the fan spins up, the usb is read it flashes for a few minutes as if its being read, but no leds on the laptop come on after it is read. the fan remains spinnings. but nothing seems to take place. Fan still spinning after 20 mins but no further forward, I beleive its a 2010 or slightly later model. Could it be a different version of winflash required? any other ideas
  14. sfarrukh

    sfarrukh MDL Novice

    Feb 6, 2014
    hello friends, i have dell inspiron 3521, can i use the same crisis recovery procedure on this laptop? the laptop starts but a knock type of sound comes from it, i believe this is the same bios problem. please guide me.
    thanks in advance
  15. matria4

    matria4 MDL Novice

    May 1, 2016

    Funciona!!! en un Dell ispirion 1464

    CPU Type
    Intel Core i3
    CPU Speed
    350M (2.26 GHz)

    Mi problema fue, al instalar los driver de bios, la laptop se congelo, y lo que hice fue apagarla con el boton de on/off, y al prenderla nuevamente, esta no arrancaba, prendia las led, el disco duro (creo) sonaba al prender y apagar la laptop. Lo primero que hice fue rescatar el disco duro, para formatearlo y borrar el driver de bios, pero al formatearlo (en otra pc), el problema continuo. Lo desarme entero, le realize mantencion de pasta disipadora, le limpie el polvo, pero nada resultaba. Le cambie las ram de ranuras, probe las ram en otros equipos, probe ram nuevas y no se solucionaba. Le saque la pila de bios, y seguia todo sin arrancar.

    Luego la primera vez que utilize el Bios Recover WINCRIS, paso que no funciono, lo deje unos 5 minutos, apretaba el boton End/fin, pero nada.

    Luego me di cuenta que el disco duro, ya no sonaba al prender y apagar la laptop, lo que me imagine que ahora si la motherboard habia muerto, pero para asegurarme, saque las ram y encendi la laptop, para asegurarme que la motherboard no esta muerta, entonces dio el pitido que señala los problemas de ram. Luego monte las ram nuevamente, prendi la laptop, y nuevamente el disco duro (creo) emitia ese ruido al prender y apagar.

    Por lo que intente por ultima vez el Bios Recover WINCRIS y FUNCIONO!!!!

  16. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    profavor ofrece una traduccion en ingles aun que sea de google translate. reglas del forum.

    please offer an english translation even if from google translate. forums rules.

    he pretty much said it didnt work.. took it apart and ram out power up beeped.!! then finally it worked with ram the wincris.
  17. matria4

    matria4 MDL Novice

    May 1, 2016
    Works!!! ispirion on a Dell 1464

    CPU Type
    Intel Core i3
    CPU Speed
    350M (2.26 GHz)

    My problem was, when you install the driver bios, the laptop froze, and what I did was turn it off with the button on / off, and turn it on again, this would not start, he lit the LED, hard drive (I think) sounded to turn on and off the laptop. The first thing I did was to rescue the hard drive, to format and delete the driver bios, but the format it (on another pc), the continuing problem. It whole disarmament, we realize mantencion dissipating pasta, you wipe the dust, but nothing was. You change the ram slots, probe the ram on other computers, probe new ram and not solved. You remove the battery bios, and followed all without booting.

    Then the first time you use the Recover Bios WINCRIS step that did not work, leave about 5 minutes, pressed the End / End button, but nothing.

    Then I realized that the hard drive, no longer sounded to turn on and off the laptop, imagine me now if the motherboard was dead, but for sure, remove the ram and turned on the laptop, to make sure that the motherboard is not dead, then he gave the beep that indicates the problems of ram. Then mount the ram again, turned on the laptop and hard drive again (I think) emitia that noise to turn on and off.

    So try for the last time the Bios Recover WINCRIS and WORKED !!!!


    PD: sorry, if something is not understood, use google translator, but best of all is that the laptop worked, thanks
  18. thenny71

    thenny71 MDL Novice

    Oct 8, 2020
    Good morning.

    I use google translator because I am Spanish- Sorry :)

    Years go by and the same problems continue. :)

    Last night I updated the bios from the Dell page and when it was 30% the screen turned off and only the fan worked so I decided after 2 or 3 hours to disconnect the battery. And there it went out and did not turn on again. The only thing I have achieved has been to "turn it on" with the END key and with the battery disconnected, but I do not know if the method you describe can be done in Windows 10 64 bits and I do not know how to obtain the BIOS file from my machine since it is I download on the desktop PC, directly try to run it and close the application.
    My laptop is an XPS 12 9Q33 with windows 10
    I have tried installing the penultimate bios with the Dell website. Doing the restart with the "END" button but nothing lights up the led of the usb stick and it seems that it reads but I think it is in a loop and does nothing.

    Let's see if someone can help me.

    Thank you.