Except KB3021917 and the new KB4493132, all Windows10 related updates components are already in the Monthly Rollup there is no point of uninstalling them (if you install the rollup)
Hi to Everyone. Please, I'am need the help of some experts. Is it possible to HIDE ONLY the update's list at the bottom with a simple script that I can execute via task Scheduler at any logon? I' am not an expert... sorry This must be valid for any Windows 7 PRO/ULTIMATE I don't need an unistaller tool but only something that, after the WU check, hide automatically these updates forever so no one can found them and install. The Simplix pack don't install them but these remain visible. KB2952664 KB2990214 KB3021917 KB3035583 KB3068708 KB2977759 KB3075249 KB3080149 KB3050265 KB3022345 KB4493132 KB2676562 KB3123479 KB3118401 KB3150513 Please, this script must run in background after the logon, in silent mode. All the others updates and the Windows service must remain active. Thanks in advance
You can use some like this: Code: ' -------------------------- Dim hideupdates(3) hideupdates(0) = "3045999" hideupdates(1) = "3068708" hideupdates(2) = "2872339" Wscript.echo "Starting Hiding..." set updateSession = createObject("Microsoft.Update.Session") set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher() Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'") For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1 set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(i) For j = LBound(hideupdates) To UBound(hideupdates) 'MsgBox hideupdates(j) if instr(1, update.Title, hideupdates(j), vbTextCompare) = 0 then 'Wscript.echo "No match found for " & hideupdates(j) else Wscript.echo "Hiding " & hideupdates(j) update.IsHidden = True end if Next Next Wscript.echo "End Hiding..." Save as "hide-updates.vbs" To run: wscript hide-updates.vbs
There is a whole "2) Hide updates:" section at first page, you can adjust the list of updates numbers
Hi BesZakona, I have already try to modify your script but a nag appear for any update found and after a WU, no more updates not present in this list appear. Mr. Abbodi, you are a Legend. I have also try to adjust your code but I'am too lame for that. How to disable the WU search when the script is executed? I'm searching only for script that run in SILENT mode, that hide the updates of abobe automatically, without human interaction. At every reboot, he make a check if them are already hidden to prevent that one WU search launched manually find them. Can you help me to make a little script to make this in few steps? sorry for my bad english… and for the patience...
First of all, that list of updates is exaggerated, and all of them already contained in Monthly Rolllup just use W10-Hide.cmd and change the list numbers and remove the pause then you can place in C:\Windows and create schedule task to run it at logon Code: @echo off set "list=2952664 2990214 3021917 3035583 3068708 2977759 3075249 3080149 3022345 3150513 3173040 4493132 2676562 3050265 3118401 3123479" %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || goto :eof cd /d "%~dp0" (echo Dim objArgs echo Set objArgs ^= Wscript.Arguments echo Dim updateSession, updateSearcher echo Set updateSession ^= CreateObject^("Microsoft.Update.Session"^) echo Set updateSearcher ^= updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher^(^) echo Wscript.Stdout.Write "Checking for updates..." echo Dim searchResult echo Set searchResult ^= updateSearcher.Search^("IsInstalled=0"^) echo Dim update, kbArticleId, index, index2 echo WScript.Echo " " echo WScript.Echo " " echo For index ^= ^0 To searchResult.Updates.Count ^- ^1 echo Set update ^= searchResult.Updates.Item^(index^) echo For index2 ^= ^0 To update.KBArticleIDs.Count - ^1 echo kbArticleId ^= update.KBArticleIDs^(index2^) echo For Each hotfixId in objArgs echo If kbArticleId ^= hotfixId Then echo If update.IsHidden ^= False Then echo WScript.Echo "Hiding update: " ^& update.Title echo update.IsHidden ^= True echo Else echo WScript.Echo "Already hidden: " ^& update.Title echo End If echo End If echo Next echo Next echo Next echo.)>Hide.vbs echo. cscript.exe //Nologo //B Hide.vbs %list% echo. echo. del Hide.vbs exit /b
Ah ok, but the script always check first via WU and popup messages appear. I'am searching for something that HIDE only, without notify. thanks
remove this line Code: echo Wscript.Stdout.Write "Checking for updates..." you will always get a cmd window
Can I ask what this apps do ?? Im a newbie and this is my first time formatting my pc since i buy it i want to format using daz provided windows loader My question is what this apps do?
@abbodi 1406 this is are latest version of script?if not please update it Thanks For Script Regards NST_Adventure