Just a confirmation request, will the telemetry script above allow my Windows 7 Security Updates to proceed normally? They've been failing for about a month now.
Doesn't the "July 9, 2019—KB4507456 (Security-only update)" and "September 10, 2019—KB4516033 (Security-only update)" include telemetry in them? How do you guys bypass that since security-only updates are not cumulative and each security-only updates are needed?
Install them and disable telemetry or just skip them, most fixed components are replaced in the following security-only update so it's partial or minimum risk
How do I do that? By running W10Tel.cmd? Skip them? But from what I understand, if you do that you are unable to install subsequent updates since security-only updates are not cumulative? So for example, if you don't install the setember 2019 update, you won't be abl;e to install the october 2019 or november 2019 updates, or am I wrong?
@KaranoKyoukai this thread and W10Tel.cmd is ment for rollups and it also apply to security-only updates with telemetry @Walcott W10Tel.cmd is enough for Win 7/8.1, no need for aggressive blocking besides, Win 7/8.1 will not send any telemetry if CEIP is off
Just a little feedback These two should be added Also hosts became like this after running the script.
They are not related to backported Telemetry not here you could add echo. line Code: echo.>>%hosts% echo query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE2JgkA>>%hosts%
Would it be possible to rename key instead? like reg copy "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener" "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\$AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener" /s /f reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\Diagtrack-Listener" /f ... ok, as you say I don't see why people would be interested to restore these