Disable/Remove Telemetry and Tracking Service

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by abbodi1406, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. lizzielikeu6

    lizzielikeu6 MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2017
    Thanks man you are a lifesaver :worthy:
  2. harryp

    harryp MDL Novice

    Feb 18, 2017
    Hi guys
    I've just installed Windows 7 SP1 and done an update which installed 147 items!

    Which scripts do I run?
    Can I ignore all the scripts in PreventW10_20160715.zip and just run W10-Block.cmd?
    Any help much appreciated
  3. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, W10-Block.cmd is enough
  4. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    I used for years same Win7 installation on all computers, and always kept updates off :) . This install comes with SP1. After reading it is not safe wise to continue so, I started to collect information on this, and found Convience Rollup. I had try Win10 before but for few reasons I do not want to use it, and one of it reasons is that is regarded as spyware. After I downloaded Convience Rollup I immediately supposted it may include spying tracking or whatever, so I continue to search about it and that is one of reasons I found this topic and forum.

    After some searches before, I found some topics around on internet suggesting to turn off telemetry (after Rollup install) by going to Start > Services > Diagnostics Tracking Service > Disable

    Also I found it is good to disable Customer Experience Improvement Program settings. And, in Task Scheduler - AITAgent and ProgramDataUpdater.

    As I understand here, W10-Block.cmd completely block Telemetry, right? Do I have to mess with any disabling methods I just mentioned above or W10-Block.cmd is enough to be done with it?

    Also, if I understand correct, Windows 7 will no more automaticaly upgrade to Windows 10, right? If that is case than all I need is telemetry blocked, I suppose.

    After making fresh Win7 (SP1) install on my comp, and applying Convience Rollup, what is right procedure after? May I just install all available updates so I don't have to mess with choosing it, and than do W10-Block.cmd?
  5. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Yes, W10-Block.cmd do that

    Yes, no more upgrade through WU

    Use W10-Block.cmd after the Convience Rollup, then again after updates, specially after Monthly Rollup
    and do not install KB2952664
  6. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    Ok, if W10-block.cmd would spare me to check these manual adjustments and disabling it (which I already mention, but who knows how much more of it exist and I simply don't know for it), after every updates, than it is definitely fastest and easiest way to go :cool: . So I will set it as schedule work as you described.

    I can confirm KB2952664 is installed, I just searched for it in list. It have recommended importance. Do I need to uninstall it now, or just uninstalling won't help? What anyway KB2952664 do?

    Also, I didn't do W10-Block.cmd after Convience Rollup (I even didn't know for this forum few days ago when I installed it, I just had turned off telemetry in Service). Is this problem now? If it is, I can reinstall complete Win, and follow your given instructions, if that is needed.
  7. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    #87 abbodi1406, Mar 24, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    KB2952664 is the real Telemetry Controller and Runner
    it changes and use these schedule tasks to execute:
    Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser
    Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater
    Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent
    disabling/deleting these task stops its function
    but just to be sure, uninstall it

    no need for reinstall, just run W10-Block.cmd and it should be fine
  8. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    #88 nizinizi, Mar 24, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    I had just uninstall it and run W10-Block.cmd manually one time.

    But I can't do Scheduled task as you described. I find Command Prompt, right click RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR and type :

    SCHTASKS /Create /F /RU "SYSTEM" /RL HIGHEST /SC ONLOGON /TN BlockW10 /TR "cmd /c %windir%\W10-Block.cmd"

    but than it say : Access is denied :(

    Also there is some updates in list (that was updates after Convience Rollup) which is failed to install. Can I manually install them?

    Edit - I had found on Microsoft site these "failed" updates, but after downloading them and try to install it, it say it is already installed. So I had checked list of installed updates and they are here. But in update history their status is stated as failed.
  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Are you sure you started it as admin?

    which updates exactly?
  10. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    I forgot, my mistake. Now it state "The scheduled task "BlockW10" has successfully been created". And after that another message I get "Attempted to run the scheduled task "BlockW10"".

    So I suppose it will from now on perform it automatically.

    Updates : KB3177467, KB3127220, KB2656356, KB2789645, KB2978742, KB3019978, KB3055642, KB3067903, KB3086255, KB3108664, KB2563227, KB3006137, KB3138901, KB3147071.

    But now I checked again and I see some of them are successfully installed in another attempt after they were failed. And few of them which isn't, I had try now them manually but it states something like "update is not applicable to your computer".

    Looks like now is all right and up to date.
  11. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    #91 oldsh_t, Mar 25, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    I have had the same message and it still would not work for me. But then again any scheduled task has never worked for me??

    Anyway watch when you reboot your computer and you should see a cmd prompt window open, then you will know it is working. If you don't see it then it is not working.
    What I did was>
    >goto start
    >All programs
    >right click on Startup
    >select open
    >copy and paste BlockW10 in there
    >close and done!!

    Works every time I boot. Sometimes it is so fast I miss seeing it so I added this to the bottom of the code in the BlockW10.cmd
    What I did was>
    >Right click on BlockW10
    >select "Edit"
    >copy and paste this at the end of the code with out the quotes "PING -n 5>nul"
    >save the file

    NOTE HERE: Some trial and error on my part I found that UAC has to be turned off to get the BlockW10 to work!! Most people don't like to turn it off. It's your call!!
  12. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Does it run correctly by Startup folder? i mean because the script need admin privileges
  13. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    I do not see anything when I restart. Does it mean it don't work? How can we check it work correctly?
  14. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Well you got me thinking. Yes it does run, but I have the user controls turned right down. I never have to use admin privileges. Tried turning that back on and the Block10 starts up but shuts down quickly. Probably not working if user controls is turned on!!
  15. MMIKEE

    MMIKEE MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    Same here, works correctly in Startup folder with UAC turned OFF... :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  16. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    Added PING -n 5>nul to end of list. Run it manually, and it now stays little longer.

    Than I repeated :

    SCHTASKS /Create /F /RU "SYSTEM" /RL HIGHEST /SC ONLOGON /TN BlockW10 /TR "cmd /c %windir%\W10-Block.cmd"

    "The scheduled task "BlockW10" has successfully been created"

    SCHTASKS /Run /I /TN BlockW10

    "Attempted to run the scheduled task "BlockW10""

    Restart - nothing changes.

    Obviously, something is miss here and doesn't work at all.

    Than I followed your instruction to copy W10-Block.cmd to Startup folder, and restart. Now, after restart and Windows start, black window pops for less than second, almost I can't see it. That would indicate it doesn't run with Administrator privileges.
  17. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    Just an update here. My fix above will not work unless UAC is turned off. In the Block Win10 is a reg entry,
    I found it and deleted it and my UAC was shut off. After reboot the reg file was back. Then I set the UAC to default,,,, deleted the reg file again, then rebooted. This time the reg file did not return.
    So my fix above will only work if the UAC is off. And I know most people will not run that way!! I will update that post to reflect that, but if you think that I should delete it, then I will.:eek:
  18. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    What is UAC and how I can disable it?
  19. oldsh_t

    oldsh_t MDL Expert

    Dec 23, 2009
    >goto "Start"
    >in the search field Type in UAC
    >Open "Change user account control"
    >on the slide bar bring it down to the bottom
    >click "OK"
    >reboot your computer (important)
  20. nizinizi

    nizinizi MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2017
    I just done it. Looks like now it work. Moment after enter Windows, black window pop up and say "processing telemetry blocking tweaks" and it keeps for few second.

    Is there any drawback for keeping UAC at bottom?? There is note that keeping it at lowest level is not recommended.