just bought an aspire 4935,running on windows xp sp3. i install kaspersky internet security,norton antivirus and avg. the reason is.its free.and two head is better than one. but i heard someone said that one pc should have only one antivirus.dont know what the reason is. is it true and why?
Too many cooks . . . In the first place, one is enough. Secondly, some AV progs will not function with another installed. Suites like Kaspersky, and the free version of Comodo, are more than adequate. Monk
i still using the 3 av,and add a comodo,know what happen? after about 1 to 2 minutes a blue windows came up and said something about a problem occur and other things.cant read it,cause it appear only for a sec. and then my laptop restart again,same things happen everytime. so i uninstall comodo quickly.scare the s**t out of me. u r right bro,one is enough. but what actually is happening?i browse comodo for a while,its seem like it is better than other av.to bad i have to uninstall it.
u got a special way of explaining computer stuff to people.its really a fun to read.u have a very good english,and quiet beutiful too.what u do for a living?an english teacher?
Who me? Ah shucks . . . . Thanks Azrul. Actually, I am a retired healthcare administrator. I now write (fiction, non-fiction articles, training/white papers, blogs). Keeps me off the streets where I tend to get into too much mischief (read as: sucker for a pretty face). Monk
Curious 1. Why subject oneself to redundant scanning? 2. And, if redundant scanning does, indeed, yield a higher percentage of hits, when is enough scanning enough? 3. Is there any guarantee that if I scan, say, 20 times with different AV engines/definitions that I cannot become infected? Still possible? 4. OK, how about if I scan 50 times? 5. And, if one is constantly attacked, is one practicing safe surfing? 6. And who has or wants to take the time to scan redundantly? 7. And am I content with all of these scanning processes eating all of my RAM and rendering my machine a coffee-cup holder? I know, I will employ one AV prog that is reputed to afford reliable protection and use the hours I saved for more fruitful endeavors - like offering intelligible solutions to pragmatic issues. Monk
There is no 'best' or 'worst' AV program. All of thems have strengths and weaknesses. I'm using Avast antivirus and i'm satisfied.
Thanks duh Thanks for the link, duh: good info. By the way, rather than a dork, I think you are simply passionate about your beliefs and efforts - and that's a good thing since we all are able to benefit therefrom. Monk
What's best Philosophy 101 probably is best fit to the Chit Chat pages but . . . There IS, in fact, a best: it is what is best for me - which encompasses a consideration of the set of criteria which, in the realm of software, e.g., impels my choices. The issue is not - what is the best AV prog - it is rather, based on my set of criteria, what is the best AV prog for me? There are lessons here for all who are wont to ask, "What is the best LCD monitor," or "What is the best mobo," or "What is the best religion?" The first lesson asks, why subrogate someone else's set of criteria for yours? The second asks, why surrender your intellect and ingenuity for another's opinion? In the very least, the third question exclaims, "Wait a minute! Who are these people who are telling me what's best?!" I will answer the question, "How do you get from A to B?" by recounting how - I - get from A to B. Are the stairs the best way? Not for me: I'm too old; I'll take the elevator. Monk
The corporate or enterprise versions of antivirus are far better than anything consumer. They don't take tons of resources and don't keeping bothering you to buy a new subscription. Symantec is my favorite but mcafee is also good and comes with anti-spyware.
Symantec Software is one of the things which is using the most ressources of the computer. I've never seen any corporate software that uses less ressources than the consumer equivalent. In my company we are using Office Scan from Trend Micro. The software uses the same like the consumer product, as they are based on the same engine.
Hi azrul... First of i don't think its possible. When install second anti virus, it shows you that anti virus already exist , you have to remove it and after that restart computer than you able to install new anti virus...
You can install more than one antivirus the same as you can install another firewall program but it is not good practice they will clash
Hey does anyone know how to make there own bootable antivirus software by adding there own files and making there own things to use for there personal business if any of you can help me i sure would appreciate it. I tried adding my own antivirus programs to hirens disc but some dont work and thats a shame and some i really dont know how to update them and put them back in the iso so yea i tried everything extracting and editing things but nothing has gone threw because i dont know how to use winuha program so yea anyways if someone can me make somthing similar to this with some of the software i would like to put in because hey we all know that it sucks sometimes what it comes with and we all are like if this piece of software came with it would of been the s**t but na again so if any body know what to do plz help.