Search for Brian K's post on disk image speed and compression. Macrium by far is the worst among all the main imagers. I don't know how you managed to get 110GB of Acronis vs 38 GB of Macrium, but I agree with Atari - I have never installed Acronis in my system, I only use it's boot USB for cold disk imaging. Same for Macrium. Acronis/Terabyte IFW/IFL are ~2 times faster than Macrium on all my computers when I do cold disk imaging.
used acronis for many years stopped using acronis several years ago, seemed it would not play fair with raid backups tried macrium, it did work on my raid stuff still keep getting emails from acronis, as I registered years back good to know, the new acronis has a bunch more bloatware my 2 cents Charl
Cool. Shame it's 32bit. 64bit would be both UEFI & Legacy bootable. In my 64bit startnet.cmd I have the following which shows PE version & mode: Code: FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2,* skip=2" %%L IN (`reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE" /v Version`) DO SET WinPE_Ver=%%M wpeutil disablefirewall wpeutil UpdateBootInfo for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%A in ('reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control /v PEFirmwareType') DO SET Firmware=%%B :: Note: delims is a TAB followed by a space. if %Firmware%==0x1 ( Title WinPE %WinPE_Ver% 64bit BIOS Mode echo BIOS >X:\BIOS ) if %Firmware%==0x2 ( Title WinPE %WinPE_Ver% 64bit UEFI Mode echo UEFI >X:\UEFI )
There's been a number of people that use Drive Snapshot but the last time I tried it I couldn't work out how to make a complete disk image. Can it disk image or is it just partition image? ie, "Drive letter Snapshot"???
Hello To create a complete image of drivesnapshot it is necessary to select all the partitions uefi or mbr then during the backup path note simply to rate $ disk is saved all the scores just attention it is necessary not to modify the partions or it will fail at a blow on? More if the hard drive is dead it will be impossible to restore the image simply to recover its data me I no longer use backup system software of my experience there are always misfires what I do seqs little long and incorrect but works All the strokes I reinstall windows to own drivers update software ect .... then I start in winPE uses dism ++++ saves OS I capture in install.wim I keep this install is the day I have a virus or other I reinstall windows is Reinjecte my install via dism +++ is no problem then voila exit the backup software the one I tested is working suddenly on its acronis backup for pc
rdata, nice project! For us non-techie who couldn't write script, do you mind share your script "source code"? Granted, we have access to these disk imaging programs...
Hello!!! knock knock in your head: As per forum rules: You are a long-time member (since 2011) and ignore those rules ever since? Hint: Private messaging was invented for a reason, don't you think so?
Hello please excuse I do not ask for any hacking! Its that its project was well as you say private message but you always change the site one is lost I do not even know more or go to send a private message
I've been using Macrium Reflect for several years now, and it works just fine for me. It's never failed to create a good backup image, never failed to restore a backup image, and most important for me, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to configure it to make it work on your system. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Hello rdata I find your disk imaging WinPE bootable.iso very useful imaging solution I have done something like you as well for my personal use, not such elegant solution, but serves the purpose (it is 32 bit version) only problem is that I use Acronis 2014, since all later versions when creating winpe bootable iso-s produce 64 bit iso Can you please share your procedure/steps of how you have managed to integrate Acronis 2017 in 32 bit wim? Thanks in advance Regards, sedmi
MVP Tool - CUSTOM ATI WINPE BUILDER Anyone with a Windows 7 or newer Windows OS, that has a current version of Acronis 2016 or newer, may use this tool to build CUSTOM 32-bit or 64-bit Acronis Bootable Rescue Media. This will be especially useful for those of you that have 32-bit only UEFI systems or the OEM manufacturer has set the SATA mode to RAID in the BIOS and it cannot be changed. As of version 5.7, this tool supports automatic driver injection in both the 32-bit and 64-bit media creation process. You can use the above tool in order to create 32-bit bootable Acronis. You could just use the basic version in order to reduce the bloat the Advanced version tries to add into the .wim
Hello rdata, Thank you very much for your kind reply I will try this tool, the basic version since I want to make the resulting bootable iso as small as possible regards, sedmi Update: I have sucessfully created 32-bit bootable Acronis 2017 using this tool; thanks again !