For what it's worth guys, I activated a clean install of Windows 11 Pro, on hardware that did not already have Windows 10 or 11 Pro activated previously, with a Lenovo Windows 7 Pro key. I think what has ended is any HWID activation requests from the default OEM keys (ie. in-place upgrade from 7 to 10, where 7 was activated via the OEM - I forget what this activation method is called) is now blocked. Standalone keys should still work in theory.
So does this mean, if i have a Windows 7 SLIC OEM Key and try to upgrade to Windows 11 it will work or not?
When one door closes, another opens I'm sure there will be new way to activate Just be patient .. Anyway Even Ms know the activation process Is s**t .. it bypess by Many other people I think It will gone .. in about couple years .. Even now, My PC will work just fine Even without this dumb activation
What other ways you want when we have ways to not activate at all, like HCI/Hypercore/RDSH for practically any windows past XP?
AFAIK Windows 7 keys are blocked too:
What Im confused about is that HDWIN used to make standrard LTSC 2021 that support ends to 2025 into IOT version which suport ends at 2029 now what?
i installed windows 10 pro in a vm and when i tried to activate it with a licence from another vm it said it is not able to activcate
i installed windows 10 pro in vmware clicked torubleshoot selected the old computer and it would not activate. it said unable to activate please try again later. the computer i selected in troubleshoot is an older computer from a vm i created years ago How did u activate iot ltsc 2021? when microsoft removed the ability to windows 7/8 keys to activate windows the hwid scripts no longer work except form kms activation