the build version having f in its naming nomenclature is the retail build which has few unnoticeable changes in it's binaries. IMO, with retail build users are not bumped with trial pop-up messages.
Thanks user_hidden, guess one of the good things is like SlimRock says: with retail build users are not bumped with trial pop-up messages.
m trying to download a direct file via IDM. m using chrome. copying the file link location and pasting the link via ADD URL on IDM. what this does is, it shows up a html file to download and the link changes as require login link instead of the link i copied. i was able to download like this before they updated their website. but after their update m unable to download via idm. the downloads works fine if i click to download from the browser. example COPIED LINK Code: http://*****.***/media/download/542830c2b440191d62982e24/54283221b440191d62983a05 IDM CONVERTS THE LINK TO Code: http://*****.***/login?redirect=/media/download/542830c2b440191d62982e24/54283221b440191d62983a05 regards
try to add the login information on IDM (tab Sites Login) maybe the site not acceptin more than 1 connection
tried that already but no luck. the url is seen when we download from chrome. if i cancle n copy that url n past it to IDM it works fine.
Obviously the login cookie is NOT SENT with IDM's request for the file. What browser are you using? what platform are you on? Have you tried to ask IDM to download using 1 connection [Options -> Connection tab]? Maybe it's permission on that site to use multiple connections and that's why you're being redire
m using chrome, win 7 ultm. have tried that option before no lock. no luck with internet explorer too.