Hello MJ; Is there a website to read, where I can have that explained? as far as I can tell, Cubase is a music recording software, right?
Great, just great. USA can backdoor to 90% of all computers via Microsoft Windows and Russia can now backdoor via free KAV.
Do not feed the troll. IT experts, NSA and CIA failed to find a single proof, but it has to be true, because US government says so and governments do not lie to people.
That is the point.... Who finances the site? I do not know about that oine, but I have sites like it who are clearly finaced by AV companies with an interest. My understanding is that both free and paid for AV out of necessity have to use the same database, so how can a paid one be better? I am, using defender, Malwarebytes once a week and do a searcjh with everything available in longer intervals. Never found anything that Malwarebytes freeware has not already told me...
Ah, the intelligencia is at work again... You missed, where it says it is a fake, produced by the amercans?