I thought we were going to get new build in NOV, are we It's time for new and better spyware !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, jk, lol Guess I need to ask guard puppies, yo, Slave77, new build
Agree, how many builds have they called that went legit, do you know, we know Wroz has a good record.
MS only called out new builds when they really had them though. WZor sometimes went a few steps too far and had to either shut up totally or brought things almost the same time when MS was about to deploy stuff. WZor's high-light times are over since quite some time
The stuff WZor releases like Win 10 and Office 2016, he gets thru the Partners Network, not the Insider Program
The hate towards Wzor from some people here is hilarious. He's got a damn good track record and you know it. Nobody is perfect so don't act like you are. What exactly have you done? Yeah you run a server that you like to mention costs you $2,000 a year to keep going and you have a thing for threatening to shut it down if you don't get what you want from people on this site. Oh someone said something you didn't like? Better go make a thread telling everyone you're going to shut the server down unless they behave. You're a control freak using a server you run to get a small amount of power over posts on a forum. I think it's time for you to grow up to be honest. Your server is nothing special. Honestly. Stop acting like you're the only source for untouched ISO's from MSDN because you're far from it. Seems like I'm the only person here who will call you out on how pathetic that is even though I've seen others throw hints that they feel the same. People here need to speak up /rant over
at least he bothers to put up many files and a server for us to get trusted isos, check how many thanks he has on his profile that's all
Honestly, you guys? Why all this name calling and these stupid useless postings? It's a PITA to administrate such a kindergarten. I thought about closing this thread, and I will do it if you don't get back to topic at once.
OK back to topic, I would like to say 10558 is really good build and hell lots of changes, Microsoft has improved telemetry added few more telemetry packages plus cortana got new voice English jamaican its called jamaiglish and from other things as far as i remember mail app has got a new icon desktop wallpaper has changed and so many other improvememts .....