1. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    Seeing as this is my first foray into Linux, I plan on waiting for the update through the Update Manager. Which leads me to question: Is it best not to update straight away and wait for a few months or so to avoid issues, or is it different with Linux and there's no problems with new releases?
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  2. Antilope

    Antilope MDL Member

    Sep 15, 2015
    #222 Antilope, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
    17.3 has gone through a lot of testing, but there can always be bugs. Nothing like the trainwreck that Windows 10 is, however. I'm going to upgrade from 17.2 to 17.3 without hesitation when the officially released stable version is available. I've been using Linux for about 6-months and Windows for about 25 years.
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  3. John Sutherland

    John Sutherland MDL Addicted

    Oct 15, 2014
    Hello ausernamenoonehas - Usually, the option to upgrade using the Update Manager is available a week or so after the final release is available as an .iso file. So if you just can't wait to upgrade from 17.2 to 17.3, you'll have to do a clean installation using the .iso.

    There's really no need to wait any longer than that. The Linux Mint team of developers do not work on a strict schedule like Microsoft does. They do not rush things. If you read the link in my previous post, you'll find that Clem's attitude is "It's ready when I say it's ready". I've previously upgraded from 17.0 to 17.1, then from 17.1 to 17.2 without any issues using the Update Manager.

    Just keep checking every day and wait for the Update Manager itself to be updated. After that, go the the "Edit" tab and you should find the upgrade to 17.3 is available to be installed. Just click on it and away you go. NOTE: When it's done, make sure to follow the instructions and reboot!
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  4. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    My first post has the official stable release
  5. Antilope

    Antilope MDL Member

    Sep 15, 2015
    #226 Antilope, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  6. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
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  7. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    it is not; i can t be bothered to update, reinstall, to go through that whole rigmarole, when i read the what`s new?[very little..] and mint does not offer a simple update.. it is boot from cd, and twist your thumbs and wait.. rebecca runs fine here, why should i upgrade?
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  8. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    Agreed, just 'cos it's new doesn't mean it's better... I'm d/l'ng the iso for a VM install to check it out first before upgrading ( Cinnamon 2.8 breaks Stark and Configurable menu - that's a deal breaker for me)
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  9. Michel

    Michel MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Are you stupid or what ? Its not leaked and these are the official mirrors. Read the first post ffs
  10. Superfly

    Superfly MDL Expert

    Jan 12, 2010
    Got a few ACPI probe errors on VM... I don't think this release has been well constructed... Will wait for 18 rather.
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  11. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    I am glad to see that Clem and company have recovered from the server failure and the linuxmint.com web site is back up. Just to be sure, I checked the hashes posted there with the files I downloaded previously from heanet.ie and they matched.

    Now comes the hard part, waiting for the Update Manager to announce in-place upgrades are available. It would be so tempting to clean install now that I have the .iso files, but I'll try to control myself. :D :D :D


    Jan 25, 2012
    Rosa is a naughty girl...she's not into KDE, yet. I'm still dating Rafaela, but Rosa would like a "one night stand"...Tough decision. :D:D:D
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  13. thorin0815

    thorin0815 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    It's allmost x-mas, time for some delicious cinnamon flavour. ;)
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  14. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    Linux kooks need lots of humanizing help. Like, for example, they need to be taught that just because it says "mint" in the title, EVERYTHING doesn't have to be ugly, minty, yucky, disgusting green, nor does the introduction of "flavor" do anything at all for promoting the use of Linux to anyone. Green is ugly, and mint tastes like s**t, and no one eats their operating system. It's just like these retards that figure if food is good, and sex is good, then (the retard figures) "Let's smear peanut butter all over our genitalia and...."

    It's disgusting, but the food-mixing retard does not know it. Simple minded. Durh. "mint" + "linux" = green operating system. Every time I boot this POS up, I'm tempted to smear peanut butter all over my junk, take a picture and then post it on Linux Mint Forums and let them wonder WTF I did it, and why.

    The "LM" logo is ugly. Most of the icons and graphics of Linus is ugly, and crude. I don't understand why they're still using EGA graphics. Every time I boot this POS up, I feel like I'm about to play "Asteroids". The old-school version, in black and white.

    Here's a hint for you Linux crack pots. Green for "good", "go" and "yes" and Red for "bad", "stop" and "no". Why the "Okay/Cancel" windows are always two-tone monochrome and made out of cardboard with lumpy crayon writing on them is beyond me. And what's with this retarded "Sudo" script stuff. Here's a clue, numb-nuts. If pasting "sudo ibangedyourmom" and then pasting "sudo butshedidntlikeit" and then "sudo pornisgood" is all one has to do in order to accomplish "the goal" (whatever the goal is, it doesn't matter), then having a little file/icon that says "Do Something" on it that automatically launches those "Terminal Commands" could easily be done. By you. And by "you", I mean you neurotic whack-jobs that seem to REALLY get off on making things 10 times more complicated than they need to be. My pet theory is that you are all sociallly inept and delibarately make Linux WAY more complicated than it needs to be, so that you can then hand out your (retarded and simple-minded) advice online and everyone thinks you are smart, and wonderful. I don't think you people are smart, or wonderful. Copy, paste, copy, paset, copy, paste, copy paste, big f**king deal. All that to accomplish something that would have went like this in Windows: Point (mouse) and double-click. Done. Monkey see, monkey do, linidiots. It's already been done before; all you have to do is copy windows and everything will be good.

    And another thing. Stop calling them "flavors". That's retarded. And "Distro" is a stupid word too. In fact, ALL these stupid LInux-y words are stupid. "Linux" is even stupid. Seriously, Charlie Brown, Linus was a lame and boring character and adding an "x" to the end of his name and calling him an Operating System is not going to make Linus anything more than what he was, which was a boring and minor character in a boring childhood cartoon. But even beyond that. Why all these STUPID names? "WINE"? That's stupid too. Wine is this nasty liquid made out of rotten grapes. It's expensive, tastes terribly and if you drink too much of it you puke your intestines into the kitchen sink at 3:00 in the morning. I don't need to think about puking my nasty-tasting guts out just to run "Mavis Beacon Typewriting Program" on your stupid Charlie Brown spin-off operating system filled with goofy, oddbally, hard-to-remember names that have to do with food, but no basic color-coding to give a hint. Absolutely no concern for the normal Users; no wonder Monopoly is an international Microsoft, er- I mean the other way around; it's only because Linux coders and users are neurotic nut-jobs with no real connection to humanity.
  15. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    Now tell us what you really think.
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    Jan 25, 2012
    So...much...anger. :D:D:D
    I dislike the grey, but I use KDE 4.x and it gives me the option to change that grey to another color.
    Wine is a very tasty liquid even though is made from fermented grapes. And it's healthy, too. Moderation is the key, thus you don't have to drink a gallon of it. One or two glasses before meals is more than enough. ;)
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  17. Kim100

    Kim100 MDL Addicted

    Jun 17, 2009
    I also dislike Mint, I don't like the colour scheme, negotiating the menus is a pain in all its incarnations but it's still an excellent branch of Ubuntu, very popular and very stable. Its not for me but I can see why its so popular, long may it continue.


    Jan 25, 2012
    Every user likes a DE...there must be one out there that you like.
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