Any official word on changing this date yet? I installed it manually once but on the rest of my systems WU sees nothing offered.
All this is really wonderful and so exciting and everything, the world really "needs" another Chrome based browser with tons of telemetry from yet another party (as there are are only a few hundred now), albeit a party that's obviously much more concerned about you, and your privacy, because we all know Microsoft cares about you... So much! But I'm more interested in what becomes of Edge, the browser based on the EdgeHTML and Chakra engines. You may digress to petty hate for this product for what ever reason; it's still technically an excellent browser that benchmarks superbly, beating all others on many important benchmarks, uses vastly less RAM while accomplishing that feat, remains arguably more secure than most, and runs on every hardware platform... Microsoft has a great opportunity to make hay with the roll-out of their new spy-ware telemetry shovelware tool, I mean browser: they could open source the EdgeHTML and Chakra engines and even the browser. This could create a lot of good will and enthusiasm, allow for the maintenance of one of very few low resource capable browsers for embedded systems and IOT projects (that still runs on all platforms), and if Edge/EC were gutted of all its furry integration and telemetry features along the lines of the SWare Iron (another Chrome browser, there are so few you know) you'd have a browser that was superbly performant, resource sipping and could set the high water mark for security. Chances of this happening: almost zero...
I've only been using the Canary builds for about a month. One behavior I've noticed is that when I go through my Favorites and scroll down, in Edge the favorites list stays at the point in the list I left it at (as long as the window remains open). With the Canary builds, any time I scroll down my favorites list, the next time I go back to Favorites, it has reset its position to the top of the list. As I have numerous favorites stored, some standalone and some in folders in my Favorites list, this behavior is annoying as I'm accustomed to Edge not doing this. Is there a way, maybe a flag, to have Canary builds revert to Edge's behavior in regards to scrolling positions in Favorites?
Ahh missed that. Is there any difference between these and the ones from the page that only gives the downloader? I installed both and there does not seem to be any differences at all.