GUP is basically a top-down build system for software and does not require an initial declaration of dependencies. Instead, dependencies are declared in a separate build script where GUP is told to ensure they're up-to-date. Basically this keeps a declared dependency and the file that is used colocated. GUP simply needs an executable script to build the software target. I have used GUP in Python projects in the past but not recently, but will be investing a bit of time to see about integrating Microsoft Edge Chromium offline.
I thought my Google-fu was good, but apparently not Is there somewhere that lays out the differences between (the chromium based) Edge, Edge for Business and Edge for Enterprise
What's Edge for Business? Edge for Enterprise is just system-wide managed Edge-chromium, without google pings is there are a comparison between Chrome and Chormium?
Interestingly, my unblocked installations of Windows 10 Enterprise that are updating regularly, are not installing wermy/sea crustaceon poop eater skeuomorphic icon (on a supposedly "non skuomorpich UI design" ) Credge browser. Truly shocking that people are having trouble with the miracle of another chrome browser! But what's the hold up? Why isn't Microsoft trying to jam this "important update" up my OS's ass as hard, soon and fast as possible?