I followed thejester77 instructions w/ success on my 1st try https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-edge.79237/page-8#post-1511141
Instead of standing against monopoly of a particular browser engine (Chromium) , Microsoft decided to join the ranks, leaving only Safari (WebKit) and Firefox (Spidermonkey) as noticeable competition at W3C consortium. It may not matter for you as end user ( and you may not even know behind the scenes ) at the moment but surely it will in time.
I've tried this repeatedly and while running as the actual Adminstrator account and still get it every time personally.
My experience was slightly different than what thejester77 instructions had, not sure anymore when I hit the 'close' button but I ended up w/ the regular user account. It installed so fast I didn't even realize it was completed until I saw the new Edge icon on my desktop. My install is in W10 v20H1, b18865