Someone on Twitter told me that he had to uninstall Grammarly for the spell checker to work. Edit, I have the spell checker in build 18362 but not in build 18885.
same here Not really sure what you're trying to say but it actually did work, I mean I have to use workarounds to view HBO/Amazon/Netflix on edge chromium.
"works" means it works, and it gives me nothing to complain about when I make use of it, which is highly preferable to complaining about stuff that's in development as some people around here just can't seem to stop doing, almost like they just "pop up" from time to time and point out problems, I suppose. As for an actual pop up, I don't even notice such things unless it's some malware type thing that causes an entirely new browser window to appear. If you mean the little pop up window that tells me it's actively translating the page, I mean really, could you find something actually legitimate to gripe about sometime, maybe?
So your private data, online banking information, credit card information/transactions, passwords, etc. don't mean anything to you when it comes to privacy... that's all on you then!!! But to create a background engine that actually has the ability to spoof a webpage over another webpage is frighting as hell!!! Since everyone has a mobile device and use their mobile devices more than there laptop/desktop/2in1/etc. and keep every private thing imaginable on their phones, having a mobile browser that can actually fake or spoof a site to your browser that is actually not the site you intended to go to is a major problem... PHISHING ANYONE!!! Hackers and or Google can easily place whatever they want ontop of where the user intended to go... and could add whatever they want to that page... Credit Card transations, password logins, etc. Imagine you thought you were logging into your bank online only to find out somehow your phone is not secured, and the hackers took advantage of the INCEPTION BAR and replaced your online bank site with a cloned phising version of it and you didn't know and typed in all your private login information... Say goodbye to your bank accounts, and if there really smart, they already have bank wiring ready to go to wire all your funds out to some offshore bank account which you will never ever see your money again... THAT'S WHY!!! Not FEAR/GOOGLE mongering... just cold hard facts and reality of how bad this INCEPTION BAR can be and just one example of a million more situations that can come up.
great story still not a mobile thread. has nothing to do with chromium edge on pc mobile edge already uses chrome. go to that thread and complain there