What button? Updater is self standing programs suite it is not mandatory. Simply don't install it or if already has been installed, simply remove or block it. If You remove, simply You must always update manually using offline installer, it don't have updater included.
i mean if i dont update the chromium edge, i get banned from microsoft, or the browser is stopping to work? that is a kill switch.
and if i dont update manually in future ? (i use ever old version) where can i download the edge chromium source code... ?
ok my first download with edge chromium = chrash really nice.(smartscreen is disabled but... i think this s**tz is the reason) how can disable the notice > close edge for launching in no admin mode ? (my standard setting is admin for all apps)
Has anybody else had issues with not being able to uninstall the latest couple of builds? (just the builds from last day or day) I have been installing/uninstalling builds all along the way thus far. MicrosoftEdge_X64_76.0.167.1.exe was the last build that had the option to uninstall. However, both builds MicrosoftEdge_X64_76.0.172.0.exe and MicrosoftEdge_X64_76.0.175.0.exe have no option to uninstall. The old Control Panel Add/Remove Programs is missing the Microsoft Edge entirely. In the new Settings UWP add/remove programs, Microsoft Edge has greyed out the option to Uninstall. My first thought to remedy this was to install an older version of Edge (with no internet connection since installers update) but it refuses to install older versions of Edge over the newer ones. I does allow me to install newer ones though, just not older ones. Unfortunately this has left me stuck with my testing of Edge at the moment. I'm not sure what Microsoft has changed in the past 24-48 hours to not include the ability to uninstall Edge. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I would be very thankful. EDIT: For what it's worth, here is some of the errors that I found in the log. I will check Event Log later as well when I have time. Code: [0531/103021.267:ERROR:setup_main.cc(1188)] Higher version of Edge is already installed. [0531/103021.317:ERROR:persistent_histogram_storage.cc(71)] Could not write "SetupMetrics" persistent histograms to file as the storage directory does not exist. [0531/103120.545:ERROR:setup_main.cc(537)] Already installed version at system-level conflicts with this one at user-level. [0531/103120.545:ERROR:persistent_histogram_storage.cc(71)] Could not write "SetupMetrics" persistent histograms to file as the storage directory does not exist.
Microsoft Edge based on Chromium source code and it must be installed at the same way as Chromium or Google Chrome. It means, You can always install newer or higher version, but cannot never go back if You haven't uninstalled higher version, restarted computer and after this is done, You can install some lower version. Ie, as I can see, You have installed version and now if You want to install, it is possible. Remember - do not use never any other uninstall, but only the installed version default installer. As soon as You have did something wrong, it takes very long time to find all registry keys and other data. The only way is instal again the same version, what already was installed and after that You can uninstall it correctly and if is uninstalled as should be, You can install minor version. It all as been so from the first release of Chrome, ie from September 2, 2008. Like You can see - already nearly 11years and still make problems.