Has anyone figured out a way to apply MS .DIFF patches? The Portable versions often contain only those. Are those DIFF files open-able, are there full files inside or are they XDelta-like patches?
Does anyone know if/when a Stable release channel may arrive? Or how to "sniff" for stable channel GUID/link, etc.? Beta channel has been coming along nicely. I would expect, following along the lines of Chromium development, that a Stable build could be coming along soon. Although the GUID and links likely will not be available to the public right away unless someone is able to leak them.
Yes, its a link to a small download that contains only a DIFF file, a difference file. Have you tried yourself? It let's you download several kinds of updates, depending on which Edgium version you already have. There is no full portable install for that I can find. On top of that, MS Edgium installers used to work just fine, but now they spend more time downloading and then give me an error during installation... The DIFF file is definitely a DIFFERENCE file that contains either only updated files OR an actual delta-patcher (no full files, just an installer that updates bits of existing files). Nobody seems to know how to open DIFF files though. WinRAR doesn't do it.
It is public for everyone and it has it's own website, why it should be additionally shared somewhere else. Moreover, it has nothing to do with Windows 1903, it can be used on all versions of Windows and also on Mac.
When you read the OP, it will show you a download option, by @mkuba50 (needs to be changed to @whatever127).
If you want to use this as portable app, download Google Chrome from PortableApps.com and once extracted delete the content of the Chrome-bin folder and paste there the content of the Chrome-bin folder from the Microsoft.Edge.exe file Then copy the "GoogleChromePortable.ini" file from GoogleChromePortable\Other\Source folder and paste it in the root folder, GoogleChromePortable alongside with GoogleChromePortable.exe Open it and replace "Google ChromeExecutable=chrome.exe" with "Google ChromeExecutable=msedge.exe" Run GoogleChromePortable.exe as you normally would Done
I retested Edge Canary and no difference with Chrome I wonder why MS is just copying / pasting the browser