for what its worth my builds aren't tweaked at all, and if it is so bug-free why hasn't it been released and why are they still fixing bugs? I suspect you just don't notice the bugs. It's a fact there have been bugs in this software that are not present in Chrome, I know this because I have used this software for a long time and for a while I would have to switch to Chrome or Firefox to accomplish things, i still do occasionally. So once again just because you don't notice bugs, don't try and tell us that there isn't any.
Have you not read this thread/ or the Edge insider forums? Thinking this software doesn't have any bugs and requesting someone to lay out a list of bugs is just plain ignorant.
I never said there aren't bugs and glitches, I said it's in development as pretty much every piece of software perpetually is unless it's completely and totally abandoned. This new version of Edge might be based upon the Chromium code base but it is NOT Chromium, and it has much deeper hooks into the OS than Chromium could ever dream of and because of that aspect alone it'll require more testing and longer development cycles. I only care about showstoppers and so far I haven't had one with "Edgium," haven't experienced one, and don't expect to. The simple stuff, the "+" sign missing on the new tab button recently, a favicon that's not lined up perfectly (or to whatever degree someone thinks it should be), a menu item missing in a given build, that's simple stuff that has no bearing on the overall functionality of the browser in daily use. Bring me some showstoppers and then I'll give a damn about the little nitpicking BS that most of you folks focus on to insane degrees. "Edgium" does what I require it to do exactly as I require it to do so, and I have not had any major bugs aka showstoppers that cause me - not for one second because I know it's in active development - to say "my god this thing is a piece of crap, it's busted, it doesn't work, it crashes constantly, how they can even consider this useful..." It works for me, it hasn't crashed one time since I started using it with the first leaked version, it's very fast, and that's that - yes that's my personal experience with it but I'm not alone.
Well at least you're changing your stance and not blaming it on peoples windows installs now, i guess that's an improvement,
You aren't behaving in a nice way. I never said it didn't have any bugs, and instead of complaining about bugs don't you think it would be appropriate to at least LIST them so they could be addressed by forum members? Calling me ignorant is just plain rude.
People have listed bugs in this forum and then mostly get a response by jean saying oh you're doing something wrong because I don't notice any bugs, In fact, they actually complained about people listing bugs here. What else would you call it? You apparently haven't read this forum, or the insiders forum, I have listed bugs that I have experienced and even added workaround for the big show stopper bug I was experiencing, unfortunately, there is another show stopper I posted a few days ago.
The Edge Team doesn't put out a Change Log about fixes for the Canary_Channel. They do put out a Change Log for the Dev_Channel Bug Fixes.
I am well aware of this, and it has been stated many times. If we removed all the repeat questions and answers from the forum I am sure 90% of the posts would vanish. I wasn't asking for an Edge Team bug list, I was wondering what bugs @tripog has found so they could be addressed.
If you actually read this forum you would see the ones I and others have mentioned. This thread is long and I don't actually expect someone to read it all but there have been bugs listed whether you read them or not. You're complaining about repeat questions yet you're asking people to repeat themselves. I am done replying to this topic in this post because well it goes nowhere each time. This thread was mostly useful for quick links to the leaked builds but since then it's gone downhill quick.
[QUOTE="tripog, post: 1531056, member: 305753" This thread was mostly useful for quick links to the leaked builds but since then it's gone downhill quick.[/QUOTE] The Direct Download Page is listed in the OP. That is all you really need. Current Versions are also posted on the OP.
Last time i needed to download it i just found it on the search engine and downloaded it from Microsoft.
Don't be sorry, just start contributing more than just saying I have no bugs, and commenting when a new build is released as if edge doesn't automatically update.
The flags page returns to use the dark mode in the new build released today in Canary ( Edit, when trying to open an InPrivate window, the browser crash, this was to be expected, this same bug affected the Canary version of Chrome a week ago and was fixed in the next build.
My browser crashes also everytime I try opening the flags... I sent Edge feedback letting them know about this bug...