@iFlaX Do not take it very deeply into your heart. If it ever happens that into the world will come minded beings, there will be no more problems like this. But it probably won't happen soon, maybe after the nuclear war or after the next ice age.
@Leopeva64 Sorry, is it already available somewhere? Is it already in use. I have seen it only in articles.
You need to finish challenge and you will see this page in edge://surf/ (only in Canary Channel). Spoiler And you will get a special badge. Spoiler Search #FindWhatsNext in Twitter to find more detail.
To unlock this, create a Collection named "Microsoft Edge" and add four items that spell "S.U.R.F." This currently only works in the Canary channel. If not work, change your browser display language to English (maybe move to the top require), and do all step again.