bad....checked my eval and it's actually I guess I would have to download anyways......and eval version can't be converted according to a thread I read somewhere......
When this is used it should be doable:
@abbodi1406 I found a problem, I installed office 2019 VL, but found that the version name displayed in the program and function is incorrect!
According to YAOCTRI's ReadMe - * For Windows 7 and 8.1, the workaround to install Office 2019 require installing corresponding Office 2016 products, and corresponding Office 2019 volume licences therefore, the underlying Product IDs and entries in "Program and Features" will be always Office 2016, but Office 2019 licenses will determine the features
With click to run installer, O2019 product can be installed directly but office can't receive the updates (it checks if installed office is 2019 and windows is not 10 then it abort the updates.) so to get updates in O2019, abbodi1406 applied that workaround.
@abbodi1406 @Windows_Addict YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd is placed the same directory as office folder to run flash back as administrator?If you put the path manually in another directory, there is no problem.
@bbodi1406 Because the folder name character is too long?I am renamed to “cn_office 2019 ProPlus [Project” is OK!
I have read in another forum that the Office 2019 VL isos are already available. Can someone confirm and upload them ? Thank you! Edit: Error its Office online server.