@Sajjo 1st of all I'm sorry for not replying - Somehow email notifications didn't work. ---------- Very strange, but after my last post today I tried to manually update again which I've been doing for a couple of weeks now without success and suddenly it worked without me making any modifications at all. Don't know what to say, but apparently it's working now - Very strange, but I think I'm good now. Sorry for bothering you guys, but it was freaking me out for weeks now. BTW, not replying was not ignorance on my end, like I said something went wrong. Thanks to everyone trying to help. P.S. This is a new notebook I've just got and it came with Windows 10 Home x64 preinstalled and I formatted and installed from scratch without all the bloatware which means only Office 2019 is activated by KMS-VL-ALL. Thanks again, Tommy
Hello all, There are so many posts in here, so many issues, and so many versions of various tools, it can cause some confusion for someone who is not very into the subject. Hence, may I kindly ask for clarification of the following step-by-step Office 2019 installation on windows 10 professional. 1. download and use YAOCTRI - Volume. Volume does not require conversion, correct? or 1. download and use WOTOK v2018.12.27.01 autoit (is it Volume or Retail?) 2. If Volume, download and use KMS-VL-ALL-7.2RC2 (for both YAOCTORI and WOTOK?) 3. Activation completed? I understand that you might be frustrated by answering similar questions over and over again. Thank you for your help.
Office configurated and installed by using YAOCTRI is converted to VL After running the script and installing the office, you only have to run KMS_VL_ALL to activate it.
@tommygun You might want to upgrade Windows 10 to Pro with Digital License or even Enterprise since you already are using a KMS solution with Office. It will give you more control and options than Home edition. Maybe a more smood experience as well Regards
@Pukiman I tried this in a VM - Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 x64 - all fully updated. No tweaking, all by the book. Running a mix of MAK for Windows and KMS_VL_ALL-29 for Office Updates works as expected. Since I installed ProPlus2019Volume with WOTOK, no additional C2R-R2V conversion needed. Apologies for the crappy resolution on the picture
Thank you, well something else had to mess up with it then hmmm. I really appreciate your time you spend on this, you are a star !
I used to have Office 2016 and Office 2019 installed in the past but now both are removed because I had installed Office 365. Office 365 is now nagging me to activate both Office 2016 and 2019 however they are not installed? Is it possible to completely remove them?
Standard uninstallation doesn't remove the licenses completely and since office 2016, 2019, O365 share the same installation directory, it creates a mess. At this point, you have three options. Uninstall the previous office keys. Clear all office licenses (not sure if it can be done for a specific product) Uninstall office and use Office Scrubber to clear all the remnants. Use the first option if you just want to stop nagging without touching anything important. Open command prompt as Administrator, Change directory to office files, 32-bit office on 32-bit windows or 64-bit office on 64-bit windows. Code: cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16" 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows Code: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16" Check license status, Code: cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus There you will see previous office listed with last 5 charcaters of keys Uninstall those previous products keys, Code: cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:<LAST 5 CHARACTERS> Done.
I am trying to use the x64 version of this app, but no matter the selection i get an error at line 3949? What's the catch.
Works as expected Spoiler Have you tried other tools? WOTOK/YAOCTRI can be used with offline installation from image + more tools -> #1