Use YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd to create config.ini with your options and set Display Level to False at the end choose 3. Create setup configuration (Auto Install) place config.ini + YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd inside or beside Office folder then you can call/run YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd
Hi there, I have Office Pro Plus 2019 C2R. Works fine so far - apart from the automatic updates. They are enabled - but contrary to what Office Pro Plus 2019 says - they are not downloaded and installed automatically. So the only way is - open Office, click on "Check for updates" to start things. I've noticed that there is a scheduled task "Office Automatic Updates 2.0", which is completed sucessfully - but stll doesn't download and install updates automatically. Are there any default or recommended triggers for that task? I've tried a few changes - but without success, I've gone through this thread - but found no solution. Any ideas on how to solve this problem? Thanks in anticipation Yours
Hello. I installed Office ProPlus 2019. I used C2R-R2V_4 to convert the license from retail to volume and KMS_VL_ALL for activation. The thing is, when I put the folders of C2R and KMS_VL_ALL in the office directory (in programfiles/microsoft office) and use Convert-C2R.cmd, it states "No installed Office 2016/2019 product detected." How do I fix this? I've tried reinstalling office, C2R and KMS_VL_ALL but it isn't working. I keep getting the same thing.
Is the installed office on the supported products list of c2r-r2v? There is no need for putting the C2R-R2V_4 and KMS_VL_ALL inside any program files folder, just run them from their download folder. You can set C2R-R2V to debug mode and run it, next post the debug log in code tags here.
Thanks for your reply. I'll have to apologize, haha. I tried following a guide which used C2R-R2V_4 and KMS_VL_ALL and Office 2019. Instead, I used C2R-R2V_10, not C2R-R2V_4. And now I'm reading that the readme in C2R explicitly states that if I want Office Professional Plus 2019, I'll have to install O365ProPlusRetail SKU. So I made a couple mistakes.. The information of C2R-r2v states "if you want Office Professional Plus 2019: 1) install O365ProPlusRetail SKU 2) edit Convert-C2R.cmd and set _O365asO2019=1 3) run Convert-C2R.cmd" If you still want the debug file, here it is: Code: >color 1F >title Office Click-to-Run Retail-to-Volume >for /F "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %# in ('ver') do set winbuild=%# >set winbuild=17763 >set "_SLMGR=C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs" >if 17763 LSS 7601 ( set "msg=Windows 7 SP1 is the minimum supported OS..." goto :end ) >sc query ClickToRunSvc SERVICE_NAME: ClickToRunSvc TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STATE : 4 RUNNING (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN) WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0) CHECKPOINT : 0x0 WAIT_HINT : 0x0 >set error1=0 >sc query OfficeSvc [SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: De opgegeven service is geen geïnstalleerde service. >set error2=1060 >if 0 EQU 1060 if 1060 EQU 1060 ( set "msg=Could not detect Office ClickToRun service..." goto :end ) >set _Office16=0 >for /F "skip=2 tokens=2*" %a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" ') do if exist "%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS" (set _Office16=1 & set "_OSPP=%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS" ) >if exist "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" (set _Office16=1 & set "_OSPP=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" ) >if exist "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" (set _Office16=1 & set "_OSPP=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" ) else if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" (set _Office16=1 & set "_OSPP=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" ) >if 0 EQU 0 ( set "msg=No installed Office 2016/2019 product detected..." goto :end ) >echo. >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo No installed Office 2016/2019 product detected... No installed Office 2016/2019 product detected... >echo ============================================================ ============================================================ >echo. >echo Press any key to exit... Press any key to exit... >if 1 EQU 0 pause 1>nul >goto :eof
You can simply install the Office 2019 Pro Plus img (or download the latest one using YAOCTRU) and set ip up using YAOCTRI when you use YAOCTRI (with retail img or downloaded files by YAOCTRU), the installed office will already be VL and you can simply run KMS_VL_ALL to activate it.
Don't read only a part, read completely. Spoiler - Office 2019 products are officially blocked on Windows 7 and 8.1 to workaround that, follow these steps: if you want Office Professional Plus 2019: 1) install O365ProPlusRetail SKU 2) edit Convert-C2R.cmd and set _O365asO2019=1 3) run Convert-C2R.cmd Your system is Windows 10 17763
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" The script could not find this file it should exist on one of these locations for any Office C2R installation
YAOCTRU Code: ============================================================= Channel : Monthly Version : 16.0.11727.20244 Updated : 2019-07-13 14:43 Bitness : x64 Language: en-US ============================================================= 1. Full Office Source 2. Language Pack 3. Proofing Tools ============================================================= > Enter Download option number, and press "Enter":
Thanks. But what do you do with the resulting files in order to integrate them to an existing office installation?
Use ODT setup.exe /configure Proof.xml Code: <Configuration> <Add SourcePath="" OfficeClientEdition="64"> <Product ID="ProofingTools"> <Language ID="en-us"/> </Product> </Add> </Configuration>