In post #1 only official links for SKU/product "ProPlus2019" are shown. The additional/other links in the posts show official links for all the 'other' remaining Office2019 products.
Good question. Yes, we only need one as all products are always included in every image. Only the setup.exe differs. I don't know the reason / strategy behind this. So your question should be passed to and answered by Microsoft.
Which version of office is the most feature rich or has closest parity to Office 365? office 2016 mondo vs office 2019 vs office 2021 preview?
@ratzlefatz, @abbodi1406 Well, I am stumped. I followed all of the directions you guys supplied in here - PLUS, I went into the registry with elevated privileges and deleted every single key or reference to Office I could find. Run Office Scrubber and it tells me it can find no installations (OK, that seems encouraging...) Still, activation fails, with BOTH OfficeRTool AND KMS_VL_ALL. I'm starting to think that even if I do a full re-format and re-install of Windows, I'm STILL going to not be able to activate on this machine.
@Bladeslap there are no actual en-gb language for Office C2R, or proofing tools i'm not sure how MatchOS works i this case, but i will test and see - you can run YAOCTRU second time and choose Proofing Tools (with same channel and bittness)
@Bladeslap Could you make a test install with ODT along with Language ID="MatchOS" Fallback="en-us"? and share *.log files from Code: %temp% C:\Windows\Temp