It's a screenshot of the actual message when you run the setup on 7 and it seems 8 is not supported too.
There's no screenshot.. spoiler is empty Edit: If i quote your post, *and* change from rich editor to bbcode editor, i see the imgur link.. hmm
Next 7 years there will be many windows iso's, 3 full sets per build (1 original and 2 refresh iso's), 2 builds a year
A new OfficeRTool version (2018/August/26) was released today Function "(O) CREATE OFFICE ONLINE WEB-INSTALLER LINK" -Enhancement- Added possibility to create url's and download online-web-setup.exe for - Office 2019 ProPlus - Visio Pro 2019 and - Project Pro 2019 Function "(I) INSTALL OFFICE SUITES OR SINGLE APPS" -Change- Updated OfficeDeploymentTool "setup.exe" to version 10810.33603 (dated 10.08.2018) No other changes were made. Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
Thank you for your reply. Yes I used OfficeRTool version (2018/August/26) and got all files that you listed up for en-US. Now I place SetupProPlus2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe,SetupProjectPro2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe and SetupVisioPro2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe UNDER Office folder then doubleclick them to intall without using OfficeDeployment Tool ? Is this correct ? I am thinking to make DVD, so for installation I would like to use these setupXXXX.exe saved on DVD, not OfficeRTool version (2018/August/26). I know for RetailToVL, conversion, I shall use OfficeRTool version (2018/August/26), but for installation I would like to do it with DVD directly.
Yes or you could use ODT with configuration.xml that contain all 3 products as volume e.g. Code: <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32"> <Product ID="proplus2019volume"> <Language ID="en-us"/> </Product> <Product ID="projectpro2019volume"> <Language ID="en-us"/> </Product> <Product ID="visiopro2019volume"> <Language ID="en-us"/> </Product> </Add> </Configuration> also place it inside Office folder to detect the path automatically
configuration.xml inside Office folder ODT setup.exe location doesn't matter, but better place it next to configuration.xml
Thank you for quick response. How about positions for SetupProPlus2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe ,SetupProjectPro2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe and SetupVisioPro2019Retail.x86.en-us.exe? Are these shall be in Office folder ?