Adgaurd doesn't have active links yet. Also, there's no mention of x86, only both x86 and x64. (I tried the search.)
Hi, seems like Windows build 1809 breaks activation : i've successfully installed Office 2019 using ODT configure script and activated via MKT, but after build 1809 update Office complain about being not activated anymore. Any Ideas ? MKT Log : Spoiler Code: ---------------------------------------- Attempting to Activate Office19ProPlus2019VL_KMS_Client_AE ERROR CODE: 0xC004F074 ERROR TEXT: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information. <Product activation failed> ---------------------------------------- OfficeRTool Log : Spoiler Code: Activating Office 19, Office19ProPlus2019VL_KMS_Client_AE edition Activation failed ____________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: seems that's it's not possible anymore to DLL's inject with build 1809. If someone can confirm that...
If I downloaded office 2019 via ratiborus offline, that will give me an updated build of Version 1809 (Build 10827.20138) but will it give me OneNote 2019?
Are you guys for real? Sure you can install VL without the need to convert later. And with ODT you can choose what to install. Instructions are all over this thread. Cheers.
Your right but they are not as easy as they seem to download or install compared to previous versions of office.. MSI was much easier to install and more practical I guess the new deployment tool is better cause it teaches you a little bit of coding..
No, same build as .img there is no OneNote 2019 you can try this to get OneNote 2016
True, but Office Professional Plus 2016 VL (SW_DVD5_Office_Professional_Plus_2016_64Bit_English_MLF_X20-42432) will always be around, works damn nice I say!
How to check what channel I am on? I installed Office 2019 offline with ODT (<Add SourcePath="F:\" OfficeClientEdition="64">), but I forgot to specify the channel whatsoever. Moreover, the Office applications are shown in start menu simply as Word, Excel etc., without 2019 - is it an expected behaviour?
Please help! How to Configure Office 2019 retail image for selective components (not full) installation?
@xuxindong991217 are the same files, iso=img you need only 1 iso/img (lang) & you got all all infos are on 1st page