WOTOK or YAOCTRI install VL directly, not sure about the third yes, the user should read or test to see what tool suite his needs Ratiborus tool uses ODT setup.exe for installation (hacked to allow Office 2019 on Win 7/8.1, but no working updates)
Thanks again. I just went through YAOCTRI instructions. So it does work with the official cdn Office 2019 ISO! So global process would be: download official cdn ISO, run YAOCTRI (not Retail!) script, which reads ISO file and lets me choose which apps to install, just like Ratiborus's, and then last step would be activating with the other tool (because YAOCTRI does not activate itself!). Did I finally understand? If so, this sounds like one can put official ISO and YAOCTRI inside a single custom ISO! @sidjames45: Deploy-N-Install is also able to directly install VL, right?
Working Mechanism of "Deploy-N-Install" app: Channel = "deliverymechanism" = "492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60". Language = "Language ID" + "LCID" = Chosen by user. Location = "baseurl" = "Drive-letter" chosen by user. AppsNotToBeInstalled = ".excludedapps=" chosen by user. Product = Product: ProPlus2019Retail SKU used: ProPlus2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Retail_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Retail.excludedapps=word,excel" _________________________ Product: ProPlus2019Volume SKU used: ProPlus2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Volume_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Volume.excludedapps=word,excel" _________________________ Product: O365ProPlusRetail SKU used: O365ProPlusRetail Parameter: "productstoadd=O365ProPlusRetail_en-us_x-none O365ProPlusRetail.excludedapps=word,excel" _________________________ Product: MondoVolume SKU used: MondoVolume Parameter: "productstoadd=MondoVolume_en-us_x-none MondoVolume.excludedapps=word,excel" _________________________ Product: VisioPro2019Retail SKU used: VisioPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: VisioPro2019Volume SKU used: VisioPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=VisioPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: ProjectPro2019Retail SKU used: ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: ProjectPro2019Volume SKU used: ProjectPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=ProjectPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: Office+Visio+Project2019Retail SKUs used: ProPlus2019Retail VisioPro2019Retail ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Retail_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Retail.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Office+Visio+Project2019Volume SKUs used: ProPlus2019Volume VisioPro2019Volume ProjectPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Volume_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Volume.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Office+Visio2019Retail SKUs used: ProPlus2019Retail VisioPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Retail_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Retail.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Office+Visio2019Volume SKUs used: ProPlus2019Volume VisioPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Volume_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Volume.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Office+Project2019Retail SKUs used: ProPlus2019Retail ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Retail_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Retail.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Office+Project2019Volume SKUs used: ProPlus2019Volume ProjectPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=ProPlus2019Volume_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none ProPlus2019Volume.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: Visio+Project2019Retail SKUs used: VisioPro2019Retail ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: Visio+Project2019Volume SKUs used: VisioPro2019Volume ProjectPro2019Volume Parameter: "productstoadd=VisioPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Volume_en-us_x-none" ___________________________ Product: O365+Visio+Project2019Retail SKUs used: O365ProPlusRetail VisioPro2019Retail ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=O365ProPluRetail_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none O365ProPlusRetail.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: O365+Visio2019Retail SKUs used: O365ProPlusRetail VisioPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=O365ProPlusRetail_en-us_x-none|VisioPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none O365ProPlusRetail.excludedapps=word,excel" ___________________________ Product: O365+Project2019Retail SKUs used: O365ProPlusRetail ProjectPro2019Retail Parameter: "productstoadd=O365ProPlusRetail_en-us_x-none|ProjectPro2019Retail_en-us_x-none O365ProPlusRetail.excludedapps=word,excel" __________________________________________________ Deploy-N-Install is also able to directly install VL = Yes = Opt "Product" with Volume SKU(s). Is "Deploy-N-Install" better or must be preferred over other tools? = No = I'm not here for any competition. _________________________________________________________________________________
@sidjames45: Thanks very much, and sorry if I offended you with the question... Lastly, does Deploy-N-Install tool only support mounted Office ISO/DVD (the letter drive choosing), or is it also able to take the Office sources from a specific "path"? I.e., if I copy all contents of Office ISO to a certain path either in C: itself or another drive. Thanks.
Well, i don't upgrade IMHO, prevent telemetry is a lost cause in Office C2R, just like Windows 10 i don't recall from where i got DisableTelemetry value
hi guys i down normal iso from first page then make it with DIT X64 but i am not sure if it is VL cos it showing click and run then i activate via KMS VL all so now i have normal MICROSOFT OFFICE 2019 PROFESSIONAL PLUS VL like before i had 2016 version ? and these updates for office will work from windows update normal like on version 2016 ? or it has another searching and installing updates ...? cos i not find VL ISOS 2019 LIKE PREVIOUS for normal ms office 2016 pro plus vL ISOS...
Hi again. Is there a way to run OfficeRTool and/or Office Tool Plus without Admin Rights just to download the updated files?
You can edit OfficeRTool.cmd and change Code: if "%errorlevel%" NEQ "0" (goto:UACPrompt) else (goto:GotAdmin) to Code: goto:GotAdmin
Thanks abbodi1406. Worked fine. Just another question. How do I set to download ProPlus2019 with all languages, because I tried to put all languages but didnĀ“t work. Or can I download only a file with only one language each time?
OfficeRTool allow one language each time but i think it save the files to different folder name for each lang better use ODT
Not sure if I should be posting this here or in general office thread. Sorry in advance. Windows 7 64bit. Used the following config.xml: Code: <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Broad" SourcePath="\\\public\OfficeDeploy" AllowCdnFallback="TRUE" ForceUpgrade="TRUE"> <Product ID="ProPlusRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive" /> </Product> </Add> <Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0" /> <Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="FALSE" /> <Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" /> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" /> <Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> <Logging Level="Standard" Path="%temp%" /> </Configuration> Installed Office. Before opening any Office program, I ran latest C2R-R2V (of @abbodi1406 ). It said something in stage 3 (Installing Office Volume Licenses...) which I don't remember, but pretty sure it was regular 2019XC2R thing, and stage 4 (Installing KMS Client Keys...) didn't show the usual text it shows. (it was blank this time). I then ran latest standalone activate-local, which said something about no instances found. Opened Word, said it wasn't activated. I then installed & opened License Manager, tried to rearm Office, but it said something about action not supported. Opened Word again, and this time it shows Office 2019 Pro Plus Preview activated. I have no idea how this happened, and it's the first time it didn't go smooth for me, which is why I wasn't paying close attention to detail (and therefore my repory very vague). Any ideas why this happened?
Yes, I know.. didn't think of doing it as I've never had an issue with it Will clean up and install again tomorrow, see if I can reproduce the issue. Thanks again!
so this version is only click and run ? i want normal VL ISO LIKE PREVIOuS 2016 OFFICE which is down updates from windows update...