24x (only text and variable name) in the script and I did not notice it. However, the installation parameter is fortunately correct. I will fix it in the next version. Edit: New version wotok: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/posts/1467291/ Changelog v2018.12.17.02: - added c in ExludedApps => ExcludedApps
Confirm is wotok.exe, I thank you for the information is the first time I use this tool, and many functions do not know them. I ask if there is a version of Wotok for 32-bit systems. I would also like to ask if there is a tool to download updates to integrate them manually. Thank you
Is it possible in office 2019 / O365 to add multi month in To Do Bar? I was able to enable Calendar from To Do Bar but it show just ONE month. If, I remember correctly earlier version had the option tab within To Do Bar to select multiple month calendar.
Office "click to run" was continuously trying to connect to the internet. I found a way to stop it. I checked the firewall and it doesn't show up as "blocked" connection any more. Here's what I did. Go to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\00006109C80000000000000000F01FEC ( the entry after "\products\" may differ, don't know) find "Product Name" Reg_SZ "Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component" When that entry is found, delete or rename the key that contains it. I just added a word in front of the Data. e.g. "Blocked Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component." Easy to undo it. I haven't had any issues thus far. If you experience anything negative please share.
Good morning. Sorry if I repeat the question in the most correct form, is it possible to download the latest updated version of Office 2019 v1811 avoiding the tedious update, or if you can only integrate the update to the version (1808) that you download from the first page? Thank you
Does anyone know if Office 2019 (not Office 365) be getting the new updated Office icons as recently mentioned or is this for only Office 365?
hi. thanks for your great work. it would be very useful (at least for me...) if YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd could automatically detect the source files located in the same folder instead of editing the configuration to match the correct path for every different pc i have. it would be helpful also that SourcePath in ini could accept variables. or do I miss something?
No, the Installer is jsu executioner for ini files i will see if i can update it to detect other paths (like configurator) if specified Office source path doesn't exist
I am trying to use the WOTOK app (2018.12.17.02 beta) to install Office 2019 Volume for the first time. Pardon me if this has been covered already. I set Lang to en-us and kept the other options default. I then clicked on Only Download (because I wanted to install Office on multiple machines with the same 'setup' files, thereby saving bandwidth). It created a new folder called 'Office' (size 2.02GB), but there is no setup executable to be seen. How do proceed from here on?
(2018.12.17.02) Run wotok_offline_beta.exe in same folder as wotok_beta.exe (2018.12.23.01) Run wotok_offline.exe in same folder as wotok_online.exe New version wotok 2018.12.23.01 Changelog: - added Disable Telemetry (Set Disable or Do not set)
@Krakatoa It seems you have updated the main post and removed wotok_offline_beta (2018.12.17.02). I am running wotok_offline (in the place of _beta) and it seems to ignoring the already downloaded files and redownloading everything.
Source files are the same. Is it loaded in the correct folder? Example: \wotok_online.exe (or wotok_beta.exe) \wotok_offline.exe (or wotok_offline_beta.exe) \Office\Data\16.0.11029.20108\*
I have a Visual Studio Entreprise subscription with keys for Retails editions of Office 2019. I try to install ProPlus and Visio but without Access, Outlook nor Skype for business. I would like to exclude some app during the installation. I spent the day trying many times with the ODT as seen on Microsoft Docs. But no solution is acceptable so far. my license key is neither valid for O365ProPlusRetail (which install Office365) nor ProPlus2019Volume <Product ID="ProPlus2019Retail" is not accepted by ODT And specifying SourcePath="g:\" where G: is the mounted path of the ISO file does not work neither. <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Broad" Version="-1" AllowCdnFallback="FALSE" ForceUpgrade="TRUE"> <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail""> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneNote" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Access" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Outlook" /> </Product> <Product ID="VisioPro2019Volume"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" /> <ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive" /> </Product> </Add> <Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0" /> <Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="TRUE" /> <Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" /> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" /> <RemoveMSI All="TRUE" /> </Configuration> What should I do to use the ISO of OfficeProPlusRetail and exlude Lync, Access and Outlook?