Try the Office install tool "YAOCTRI" from abbodi1406 -> Be sure, to read all info listed in spoiler tags -> "Info:" / "How To:" and "Remarks:"
I downloaded a ISO from the techbench by WZT (the file name is proplus2019retail.img). which alternative installation do you suggest? I was looking for YAOCTRI by @abbodi1406 and Deploy-N-All by @sidjames45 But I am a bit confused: - The iso name tell me that the software is retail, but I need VL to activate via KMS. - Using this iso which channel should I use? : - Deploy-N-All offers both ProPlus2019Retail and ProPlus2019Volume - YAOCTRI offer a retail and volume variant of the script. If I choose the Volume one, the installed products will be auto-converted to VL (like using a emdebed C2R_R2V)?
Install Office 2019 online = Install Office in wotok_online Install Office 2019 offline = Download Office files (example: Only Download in wotok_online or ODT or etc.) + Install Office in wotok_offline
Thanks a lot! Thanks to the community here to find solution to all mistakes Microsoft is doing! The YAOCTRIR works smoothly exactly as I would expect from a configuration tool. I added a reference to that script in MicrosoftDocs. But Microsoft is making crap again: I just did an "Update now" in Word/Account/Update Option, and this downgraded my retail edition of Office2019 (1808) to the preview (1803). What the hell here again? So yet another uninstall+install! EDIT: I chose SemiAnnual channel during the installation. The RTM version is 16.0.10730 (1808), and this 'update' downgraded to 16.0.9123.2336 (1803) Another bug report for Microsoft!
Check again.
*2 ... Auto search source in ScriptDir and all drive (hdd, sdd, dvd, flash... only root path) *3 ... offline files example: files downloaded with wotok_online or odt or dvd source etc. I didn't understand this, once the download is finish i gotta execute something ? edit1: sorry to bother you but cracking office is a bit messy compared to windows x.x edit2: ok i didn't see that there was a .exe offline wotok im blind ...
Try and decide the best for you - OfficeClickToRun.exe method allow to install volume directly, or you can install retail then convert to VL - Monthly, Monthly Targeted, Insiders if you choose other channels you may get downgraded - Yes, YAOCTRI will install Office VL directly (on Win10) or install VL licenses (on Win 7/8.1)
So i've downloaded office 2019 pro plus volume with WOTOK online and then installed with offline WOTOK, and i saw that it was already activated ... and i wonder with what it got activated, because i would like to have kmsauto activating windows and office
install KMS Seco (SppExtComObjHook.dll) in Wotok = on-demand activation of the program (windows or office) = default request windows or office in 7 days (Renewal Interval: 10080 minutes, Activation Interval: 120 minutes, info and setting slmgr or ospp) = approximately REMAINING GRACE: 180 - 172 days
last answer for you Install KMS seco support only for existing file 64\SppExtComObjHook.dll And source code in wotok: Code: Func _KMSsecoVisibility() If Not FileExists (@SystemDir & "\SppExtComObjHook.dll") And FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\64\SppExtComObjHook.dll") And GUICtrlRead($guiProduct) = "ProPlus2019Volume" Then GUICtrlSetState($idCBseco, $GUI_SHOW + $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($idCBseco, $GUI_HIDE + $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf EndFunc = instaled SppExtComObjHook.dll in @SystemDir & "\SppExtComObjHook.dll" = box kms seco hide = not File Exists @ScriptDir & "\64\SppExtComObjHook.dll" = box kms seco hide = ProPlus2019Retail = box kms seco hide
@Krakatoa Thanks for wotok gui, can I suggest allow running from read only folder ? (eg: directly from iso or read only network share) with alternative to unpack .CopyHere ?
1. Probably yes (install office), no download office files (save ScriptDir) without modification. 2. I do not understand. Add alternative unpack? Example 7z? Example: Code: If FileExist("c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe") Then ... unpack 7z (hide) Else ... unpack .Copyhere (hiding does not work in autoit) endif ?
sorry for language ... I'm testing wotok_offline.exe from iso and "Install Office" doesn't work , it need to be copied on desktop to be correctly run. When I looked at au3 source, it seems unpack function need writeable folder to works isn't it ?