In NT 5.x VL SKUs, you need to input an appropriate key and the product is considered as activated forever. Later the same scheme is introduced in some Embedded SKUs as Volume:BA (Bypass Activation) & static GVLKs/retail keys (Visual Studio/SQL Server/SCCM). Similarly, this Office for Mac 2016 comes with a VL serializer package, which allows to activate the product instantly without doing anything. The VLSC ISO comes with it & its installed as a part of the installation. The retail package doesn't contain it, but with the help of this can be converted & activated as well.
Correct. Latest VL (ISO) is 15.29.0 [161209] // X21-24702 Latest retail is 15.32.0 [170309]. Can be activated with serializer.
I downloaded and installed however it is asking for a valid e-mail or phone number when I attempt to start up one of the programs?