As see, Office LTSC 2021 not Office 2021. Similar MS say (see blog).
What about installing Office 2021 on Windows 7? Can someone create a Script, like the Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd found in Universal MediaCreationTool.bat wrapper for ALL versions, that will bypass Restriction and allow Office 2021 on Windows 7?
There, the restrictions are not artificial, but based on system dependencies. In the OS itself (7) there are no functions that the office uses. So for the old system, the old office.
So, for example, there will be Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 and Office Professional Plus 2021? 2 different versions? Thanks!
Makes me wonder: Is Office 2021 so much different from Office 2019 so that Office 2021 cannot be installed on Windows 7? There has to be a way to bypass these "restrictions"... Simply, it has not be found yet...
I tried Windows 11: Initially, my Keyboard was not recognized. I switched the USB place in my Tower, because the Device Manager showed that their was a problem with the Keyboard USB coming to my Tower. To test it, I plugged-in a Flash Stick, but it could Not be recognized. So, it put my Keyboard USB into another place. Then, my Keyboard worked partially: The CAPS On Light could Not switched Off. When I restored my Windows 7 Image, EVERYTHING worked as before! The Device Manager showed NO Problem. The Keyboard USB of my Tower, which the Windows 11 Device Manager flagged "problematic", was recognizing Everything: my Keyboard, a Testing Flash Stick etc.
all links retails img's are now alive!
Is there a VL version of Office 2021 LTSC available? Edit: okay, I guess I can get it with ODT right?