it was bound to happen, and if anything it appears Microsoft will be doing this more and more in regards to dropping support for operating systems with their software. I'm going to do some testing for office 2021 later on today.
You don't need VLSC access...I still had access from a former employer and all that was on VLSC was the ODT executable (3MB) which you can download straight from the Internet.
If you're asking if I hit F5 and check every post for an edit/update, no, I don't. Maybe someone else has the same question, it might save them time by telling them to not bother checking VLSC or waiting for an official "ISO". I had totally forgot about the ODT until I just saw the small file on VLSC and went "DUH!".
hehe, well the info is there. I edited my post to say the findings. All info is there now and I'm running LTSC 2021.
It is possible to instal non LTSC version? I installed 2021 pro plus and it is LTSC version. i want normal version.
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere in the forum, but I just found that the new visual refresh can also be obtained using the following registry entries in each apps (example here Word): [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\ExperimentConfigs\ExternalFeatureOverrides\word] "Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.RibbonTouchOptimization"="true" "Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.FluentSVRefresh"="true" "Microsoft.Office.UXPlatform.FluentSVRibbonOptionsMenu"="true" I used it on a Office 365 with mondo license on a windows 10 setup.
Did you use the following info in configuration.xml ?; Code: <Product ID="ProPlus2021Volume"> Tried it, imported reg key doesn't work? EDIT: oh wait it does, works on word and excel, just not for outlook or powerpoint for some reason. ah it might be because 2021 doesn't have update channels yet. i.e beta channel, preview channel e.t.c I have tried Pro Plus and the insider channel switch isn't there. On 2019/365 you can activate the channels by the configuration.xml but in this case for 2021 you can not because it's not available yet.