This may be a clean and safe way to proceed. 1. Download Office 2016 Preview from site via wget (wget tool is easily available on the net). Select your language, build and platform (32 or 64 bit) and you get an offline installer. 2. Paste the following lines in a text file and rename it "setup32.cmd". Code: @echo off :ADMIN openfiles >nul 2>nul ||( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 goto:eof ) del /f /q "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" >nul 2>nul pushd "%~dp0" setup.exe /configure configure32.xml Move the .cmd file inside the Office folder, in this directory: \16.0.3823.1005_en-US_x86\Office\Data Double click on it to launch the installation process. 3. Once installed, convert Office Pro Plus to Volume. Open an elevated command prompt and install the following certificates and key, by entering each line one by one. Code: cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_MAK-pl.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_MAK-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_MAK-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProPlusVL_MAK-ul-phn.xrm-ms" cd %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16 cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey: <...> 4. Activate by MTK, the official tool by Cody. It does not detect the new version of Office, but AutoKMS does its job flawlessly. Cheers. p.s. @Geoffrey84 For Visio and Project install also these certificates: Code: cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_MAK-pl.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_MAK-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_MAK-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\VisioProVL_MAK-ul-phn.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_KMS_Client-ul.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_MAK-pl.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_MAK-ppd.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_MAK-ul-oob.xrm-ms" cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs /ilc "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Licenses\ProjectProVL_MAK-ul-phn.xrm-ms"
Thanks for the Viso and Project script, blueingreen! Unfortunately both programs are still being reported as retail versions. Do I need to find a GLVK for each of these (I suppose a 2013 key will due) and insert them as well? Cheers
I apparently don't have image/link posting rights, so I had to censor my URLs. Bear with me here... Installing and activating Office 16 Click-to-Run with a legitimate Office 2013 Retail License Office 16 activates itself via an Office 365 license that normally would give you Office 2013, right? Well the reason for this is that internally its licensing system is the same as that of the Click-to-Run 2013 builds! Through a little hackery on the Office 16 installation script, you can upgrade an existing Office 2013 install to Office 16 and remain activated, and should even receive updates! Note: I only tested this so far on one computer, which is running Windows 10 TP build 9926 and had Office 2013 Home & Business (x86 C2R client) installed, upgrading to the 64-bit C2R client of Office 16 Home & Business. This will not enable any features that your license doesn't permit. For example, because Office 2013 H&B doesn't come with Access, my installation of Office 16 doesn't, either. However, I don't see any reason this wouldn't work with any other retail license! The benefit of this over a VL conversion/KMS activation is that it remains Click-to-Run, untouched, and the activation status never changes. This should provide updates, as well, because as far as Office can tell it's a legitimately supported installation. Proof: Requirements A system capable of running Office 16 A legitimate copy of Office 2013 installed on your computer Instructions Okay, so it's really simple! Become an official beta tester for Office 16 Preview (for Business) by filling out the survey at this URL: Download the file availailable here: Extract the file and browse to the Install_xx-xx directory for your language code. I am not sure if it matters which you choose, but I only tested this with an en-us build. Open the ProPlus_xx-xx_x86.xml or ProPlus_xx-xx_x64.xml file (depending on the architecture of Office Preview you wish to install) in Notepad. My understanding is that just in case you use any addons, Microsoft suggests using the 32-bit version because addons may be incompatible with 64-bit Office. Change the Product ID section from O365ProPlusRetail to reflect the version of Office 2013 you are licensed for: Home & Student would be HomeStudentRetail , Home & Business would be HomeBusinessRetail , Professional would be ProfessionalRetail , and standalone products (as well as Office 365 plans other than ProPlus) are listed on the Microsoft KB2842297 page. (Google is your friend). Double-click the batch file that corresponds to the XML file you edited (for example, ProPlus_en-us_x64.bat) Office 16 will install. The installer will say it's upgrading, and this will take a long time. It might not be done until a little while after the installer says it's finished, either, so if Office applications don't open right away be patient. ...profit? More information on Step #5 The configuration xml file you'll be using looks like this: Code: <Configuration> <Add SourcePath="hxxp://" OfficeClientEdition="64" > <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> </Product> </Add> <Updates UpdatePath="hxxp://" /> <!-- <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> --> <!-- <Logging Path="%temp%" /> --> <!-- <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> --> </Configuration> After editing it to reflect my own license (2013 H&B Retail) it looks like this: Code: <Configuration> <Add SourcePath="hxxp://" OfficeClientEdition="64" > <Product ID="HomeBusinessRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> </Product> </Add> <Updates UpdatePath="hxxp://" /> <!-- <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> --> <!-- <Logging Path="%temp%" /> --> <!-- <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> --> </Configuration>
cybrian, why do you think Office 2013 has to already be installed? It would be nice if it didn't. This will all be academic soon though: Thurrott mentioned that the consumer 2016 beta will start in the next couple weeks. There's no way they won't be giving out keys for that.
I'm not sure, to be honest. In theory it shouldn't have to be, but I think there might be a difference between upgrading an activated version of office and activating a new install.
Usually I don't like having a post right after another however... This tech preview is for mobile as well. They are putting a Virtual File System in it so that it can installed in a completely independent environment. This could probably be installed on a Surface / RT and run without any interaction much like a MAC OSX application. This thing has a lot of differences in the way it is installed. Also the install is very minimalistic and centralized so not alot of fragmentation. Along with the setup being partially online I am somewhat concerned.
Thank you for the detailed guide. But since I have already downloaded files from vnext using download manager, my downloaded folder looks like this: View attachment 34233 Can you please tell me if any files are missing? Also, can you please share your directory structure. All my downloaded files are in a single folder. Also, can you please share your configuration32.xml?
Your directory corresponds to my \16.0.3823.1005_en-US_x86\Office\Data\16.0.3823.1005. Inside "Data", alongside 16.0.3823.1005 folder, you're supposed to have a couple of 16KB archive folders (v32...) and these files: c2rfireflydata.xml configure32.xml setup.exe I put here my setup32.cmd file. And this is my untouched configure32.xml Code: <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" > <Product ID="ProplusRetail"> <Language ID="en-US" /> </Product> </Add> </Configuration>
c2rfireflydata.xml This file is not present in my folder. Can you tell me how to create it, or where to find it. Google Search didn't help.
Sorry. The file is not huge (332 KB) but exceeds the limit of characters in a single post or a private message. It could only be split in several posts: not a polite behaviour in a forum like this, I'm afraid.