You guys might want to read the news.... there is zero day exploit, especially for that office in combination with Win10.
Do the Office updates differ between the Retail & Volume License editions? That is, does the retail copy only download what is installed? I've noticed with VL, Windows update downloads everything even if say "outlook" isn't installed.
IIRC it downloads these updates because they also contain fixes and improvements for shared components.
Updates replace current files with newer versions if the files don't exist, patches won't be applicable nonetheless, MSI product codes sometimes have unusual effect i.e. if you installed the single Office programs, you would get less updates than installing same individual programs from product suite (ProPlus)
I've been not so up to date with Office lately. But is there curently a difference in features between 2016 proplus and 365? sometimes you hear some new feature is coming to 365 but I wonder if proplus also gets the same things. If not, will there ever be a new proplus or is it abbandonned?
Bro! MSI is matter for CBB too (joke!) Stable & Clear (my wife are economist - uses MS Excel 2016 MSI, for exaple )